Teaching Strategies | Rule of Law Education Centre
Use the rule of law pyramid to articulate a framework for teaching critical thinking by showing relationships between rule of law principles and context. Explain the meaning of rule of law principles, ask what happens if they are not present in a society.
Law Right to Silence Presumption of Innocence Fair Trial & Independence of the Judiciary Right to Assemble Democracy through formal legal processes Access to Justice Freedom of Speech/Media Checks and Balances on the the use of Power by Individuals and Government PUBLIC GATHERINGS BANNED CORRUPT ELECTIONS OR UNFAIR PROCESSES WHICH EXCLUDE VOTERS
rule-of-law-pyramid-topics | Rule of Law Education Centre
What is the Rule of Law? Equality Before the Law; Separation of Powers; Independent Judiciary; Open Justice; Fair and Prompt Trial; Presumption of Innocence; Punishment only in accordance with the law; Law is known and accessible; Retrospective Laws; Open and Transparent Laws; Model Litigant Rules; Free Speech and the Media; Checks and Balances
Basic Legal Research: The Hierarchy of Authority - Florida A&M …
2025年1月7日 · The legal pyramid is as follows: I. Constitution. II. Statutes. III. Administrative Regulations (carry the same weight as statutes) IV. Case law (court opinions)
Westlaw Research Pyramid
Begin your research with secondary materials to build a good foundation and find leads to primary law. Advance to primary authority–statutes, cases, and regulations–the building blocks of your research.
legal studies ᧔•᧓ Flashcards - Quizlet
the rule of law pyramid consists of 9 different sections, with 4 levels. the first level has equality before the law, and the second level has checks and balances on the use of power by individuals and government. the third level includes the right to silence, presumption of innocence, fair trial and independence of the judiciary. the final ...
Introduction to Law Pyramid | EdrawMax Templates
2023年3月17日 · The pyramid diagram of this Introduction to Law illustrates the relationships between different levels in the legal system. At the top of the pyramid is the Constitution, which, as the highest law of the country, has the highest legal effect. Below it is the law, which is a specific refinement and supplement to the constitution.
2022年5月11日 · The pure theory of law was propounded by Austrian jurist and philosopher Hans Kelsen in California (1881-1973). Kelsen began his long career as a legal theorist at the beginning of the 20th century.
Overview - Rule of Law - United States Courts
Rule of law is a principle under which all persons, institutions, and entities are accountable to laws that are: Publicly promulgated Equally enforced Independently adjudicated And consistent with international human rights principles.
What is the Rule of Law? | Rule of Law Education Centre
At its most basic level, the rule of law is the concept that both the government and citizens know the law and obey it. The three principles of the Rule of Law are laws that are certain, general and applied equally.