L-SID - lazic.de
New L-Clip Model, specially designed for fusiform aneurysms. The L-Aneurysm-Clip® System has been developed for today’s indication for all aneurysm cases where clipping will apply.
L-Aneurysmen Clip - lazic.de
U.S. LOCATION . Peter Lazic US Inc. Microsurgical Innovation 22 Clipper Way Topsham, ME 04086 Tel. 603-427-8097 support(at)peterlazic.com
D-Aneurysm-Clips® - lazic.de
Nowadays, the classic Yasargil Aneurysm Clip System, with its familiar and proven design, offers a broad range of clip variations with over 220 different models, available in Titanium and Phynox. The Memory applying forceps has been specially designed for …
THE List - MRI Safety
aneurysm clip, Titanium Mini Clip Sideward Curved 6-mm Peter Lazic Mikrochirurgische Instrumente GmbH www.lazic.de/english/
Das L-Aneurysm-Clip® System ist mit seiner weltweit einzigartigen Konstruktion die Lösung auf die immer komplexer werdende Aneurysmen Chirurgie. Dieses neu entwickelte System bietet Ihnen mehr Flexibilität, Sicherheit und neue Perspektiven. Minimale Zugänge und maximale Übersicht ermöglichen neue Operationstechniken.
Lazic Aneurysm Clip System - ScienceDirect
2016年12月1日 · The Lazic clip system (Peter Lazic GmbH, Tuttlingen, Germany) was introduced in the United States in 2009, with significant improvements to traditional aneurysm clips, including a single tube malleable clip applier and reverse action loading mechanism that allows for a more streamlined and lower profile.
L-ANEURYSM-CLIP® SYSTEM THE SOLUTION FOR ALL OPERATIVE ANEURYSMS The L-Aneurysm-Clip® System has been developed for all aneurysm cases where clipping is indicated. This unique system offers the possibility to use both standard as well as mini clips with one universal applying forceps. When using the Memory Clip-Applying Forceps the shaft can ...
The new generation of innovative aneurysm clips combines the benefits of a traditional aneurysm clip with all of the advantages of our L-Aneurysm-Clipa. The D-Aneurysm-Clip© is the outcome of years of experience in the development and production Of aneurysm clip systems. Unlike the L-Clipa, the D-Clipa can be opened in the same intuitive
Peter Lazic - Circle Medical
The new clips designed by Peter Lazic are innovative and have a lot of advantages. The clips have to be opened from the inside out. The aneurysm clips, of all sizes, can be placed and removed by only one clip-applier. The clips open more widely then all other clips.
Products - lazic.de
Surgical instruments by Peter Lazic are distinguished by their exceptionally high quality. Products made of Peek, Titanium and Stainless steel are prefabricated in the company headquarters in Tuttlingen using state-of-the-art CNC-technology and are subsequently finished using precision craftsmanship under the microscope.