SAP Transaction LB10: A Step-by-Step Guide for SAP Users
SAP Transaction LB10 (Stock Transfer: Block Material) is a transaction code used in SAP MM to block materials for stock transfer. It allows users to prevent the transfer of specific materials …
SAP WM LB10 事务代码局限性 - 腾讯云
笔者有推荐SAP标准事务代码LB10去找到生产备料相关的OPEN TR清单,然后业务人员可以得知有哪些订单需要去做备料。 问题是:业务部门如何知道哪些TR需要由仓库部门来做备料,哪 …
SAP TCode LB10 – TRs for Storage Type - SAP FREE Tutorials
LB10 is a standard SAP tcode used to perform TRs for Storage Type task in SAP ERP or S/4HANA system.The SAP tcode LB10 is available in SAP ERP, SAP S/4HANA On-Premise …
Transactions LX03 and LB10 - SAP Community
2008年2月16日 · LB10 - how can I get the material number in the list of the open TR's against the TR #? Please suggest. Thank you. Know the answer? Help others by sharing your knowledge. …
lb10 - 百度文库
目的: 显示移转需求单号码 SAP事务代码和菜单路径: 事务代码:LB10 路径:后勤系统后勤系统执行内部仓库管理移转需求显示按储存类型 前提条件: 移转需求单号码已经在SAP系统建立 …
Solved: lb10 - SAP Community
2009年1月17日 · I think first you should check where the stock is physically in the warehouse, then you should check where the stock is in SAP (LX02) and move the stock (quants) in the …
SAP Transaction Code LB10 (TRs for Storage Type) - SAP TCodes
Analytics for SAP TCode LB10 TRs for Storage TypeLB10 Analytics
LB10 SAP TCode - TRs for Storage Type - SE80
One such TCode is LB10, which provides access to TRs for Storage Type / ?... SAP screen functionality within R/3 SAP (Or S/4HANA) systems, depending on your version and release …
SAP Transaction Code LB10 - erplingo.com
The SAP transaction code LB10 is used to create and maintain transfer requirements (TRs) for storage types. It is used to define the rules for the movement of materials from one storage …
LB10 - Screen modification - SAP Community
2014年4月14日 · Hi Satheesh, Thanks for the reply, however if I need to show material desc in my output list of LB10, the exit MWMRF001 is not in the same package as LB10. Is there another …