Leader Behavior Description Questionnaire (LBDQ)
"The Leader Behavior Description Questionnaire (LBDQ) provides a technique whereby group members may describe the leader behavior of designated leaders in formal organizations. The LBDQ contains items, each of which describes a specific way in which a leader may behave.
What is LBDQ? | Sample of the Questionnaire - Ifioque.com
The Leader Behavior Description Questionnaire (LBDQ) is a survey technique whereby group members may describe the leadership behavior of designated leaders in formal organizations. LBDQ identified Initiating Structure and Consideration as two fundamental dimensions of …
领导行为描述量表LBDQ - 百度文库
领导行为描述量表(Leader Behavior Description Questionnaire,简称LBDQ),是由俄亥俄州立大学Hemphill与Coons (1950) 所提出,初始版本共有150个条目。 后续于Halpin与Winer (1952)针对150个条目进行因素分析,归纳出两个重要维度,分别为:倡导 (initiating),意指领导者能清楚划分与下属之间的权责;关系与关怀 (consideration),意旨领导者能觉察下属的感受,这领导行为二层面相互作用后,衍生出四类领导类型:高倡导高关怀、高倡导低关怀、低倡导低关怀、低倡 …
2.2.4 Leader Behavior Description Questionnaire (LBDQ & LBDQXII ...
The Leader Behavior Description Questionnaire (LBDQ & LBDQXII) is designed to assess 12 dimensions of leadership behavior: representation, demand reconciliation, tolerance of uncertainty, persuasiveness, initiation of structure, tolerance of freedom, role assumption, consideration, production emphasis, predictive accuracy, integration, and ...
Leadership Behavior Description Questionnaire (LBDQ & LBDQ …
This chapter focuses on the most widely used and known leadership instrument: The Leadership Behavior Description Questionnaire (LBDQ). The LBDQ, and its sibling the LBDQ-XII, have been around for more than 50 years and are still being used today.
The LBDQ contains items, each of which describes a specific way in which a leader may behave. The respondent indicates the frequency with which he perceives the leader to engage in each type of behavior by marking one of five adverbs: Always, often, occasionally, seldom, never.
領導行為描述量表(Leader Behavior Description Questionnaire, 簡稱LBDQ…
領導行為描述量表(Leader Behavior Description Questionnaire, 簡稱LBDQ),是由俄亥俄州立大學Hemphill與 Coons (1950) 所提出,初始版本共有150個題目。 後續於Halpin與Winer (1952)針對150個條目進行因素分析,歸納出兩個重要構面,分別為:宣導(initiating),意指領導者能清楚劃分與下屬之間的權責;關係與關懷(consideration),意旨領導者能覺察下屬的感受,這領導行為二層面相互作用後,衍生出四類領導類型:高宣導高關懷、高宣導低關懷、低宣導低關懷、低宣導 …
领导者行为描述问卷 - 百度百科
根据九项领导行为的基本向量,即主动、成员身份、代表、整合、组织、管辖、信息沟通、认可、生产等而编制的。 它有两个基本的领导行为维度,即“体贴”与“主动结构”。 “体贴”即“关心人”的领导行为,注重与下属的友谊,关心他们的需要,尊重下级的意见。 [1] “主动结构”即“抓组织”的领导行为,注重于工作的组织和计划,规定成员的工作职责与工作任务等。 两个维度各由15个项目来测查,通过团体成员对他们的领导人就问卷上的每个项目进行分数评定,来判断领导人是工作取向 …
领导行为描述量表LBDQ - 道客巴巴
Jun 18, 2021 · 什么是领导行为描述量表 领导行为描述量表(Leader Behavior Description Questionnaire, 简称 LBDQ),是由俄亥俄州立大学 Hemphill 与 Coons (1950) 所提出,初始版本共有 150 个条目。 后续于 Halpin 与 Winer (1952)针对 150 个条目进行因素分析,归纳出两个重要维度,分别为:倡导 (initiating),意指领导者能清楚划分与下属之间的权责;关系与关怀 (consideration),意指领导者能觉察下属的感受,这领导行为二层面相互作用后,衍生出四类 …
It can be used to describe the behavior of the leader, or leaders, in any type of group or organization, provided the followers have had an opportunity to observe the leader in action as a leader of their group. Origin of the Scales The LBDQ grew out of work initiated by Hemphill (10).