LBN 438 (Gary Imm) - AstroBin
Like most faint nebula, we do not have a good distance estimate for it. This magnitude 16 nebula has a surface brightness of only 23. It is 30 arc-minutes long. This object is the 438th entry in …
The Sand Worm - Experienced Deep Sky Imaging - Cloudy Nights
2024年11月19日 · Sometimes referred to as the sand worm from the Dune books, LBN438 is a faint, dusty nebula in Lacerta. 35hrs of total exposure (LRGB) from the Bortle 1 skies of west …
Dusty Nebula, LBN 438 - NOIRLab
2020年6月30日 · LBN 438 is a dusty nebula within our galaxy. Despite being part of the Lynds Bright Nebula catalog it is very faint. This is the largest fragment of the nebula. There are …
noao-lbn438 | noirlab - Astropix
2020年6月30日 · LBN 438 is a dusty nebula within our galaxy. Despite being part of the Lynds Bright Nebula catalog it is very faint. This is the largest fragment of the nebula. There are …
《LBN438》 - 巡星客
2024年10月4日 · lbn 438是我们银河系中的一个比较暗淡的星云,光线非常微弱,需要较长时间积累。 精选 拍摄地点: 新疆维吾尔自治区乌鲁木齐市达坂城区阿克苏乡 远程台
LBN 438 / Wide-Field - mynightsky.net
LBN438 is a small dark nebula that is most likely associated with the larger LBN 437, The Gecko Nebula that is embedded in the Sh2-126 nebula. The distance is not known, but based on the …
Forgotten LBN-438 — An Extremely Deep Image of Over 100hrs
This year, I went for the dark nebula LBN-438, often also referred to as "The Lizard Pillar". LBN-438 is an incredible target. Despite this, I have noticed that only very few images of this target …
LBN 438 - AstroBin
Like most faint nebula, we do not have a good distance estimate for it. This magnitude 16 nebula has a surface brightness of only 23. It is 30 arc-minutes long. This object is the 438th entry in …
The spooky LBN 438 - Experienced Deep Sky Imaging - Cloudy Nights
2021年3月7日 · LBN 438 is a dark nebula in the northern constellation of Lacerta. It is illuminated by scattered starlight of nearby stars and interstellar radiation known as Extended Red …
LBN 438 - faint and rarely imaged nebula in Lacerta
2022年2月26日 · LBN 438 - faint and rarely imaged nebula in Lacerta - posted in Experienced Deep Sky Imaging: This image is of a fairly obscure target LBN438. There is less than a page …