LBN 673, Region of the Soul Nebula - AstroBin
Though my PixInsight Project file is named IC_1871, I am going to have to go with [url=https://www.astrobin.com/users/GaryI/]@Gary Imm[/url]'s expertise and stick with a title of …
LBN 673, at the core of the Soul Nebula - AstroBin
Celestial hemisphere: Northern · Constellation: Cassiopeia (Cas) · Contains: IC 1871 · LBN 673 · LDN
LBN 673 - AstroBin
This object is located 6500 light years away in the constellation of Cassiopeia. This is an amazing complex, including emission nebulae, star clusters, dark nebulae, and fantastically eroded dust …
LBN 673 - Experienced Deep Sky Imaging - Cloudy Nights
2022年10月21日 · LBN 673 - posted in Experienced Deep Sky Imaging: LBN 673, the centre part of the Soul Nebula. Orion 200mm f/4 Newtonian Atik 383L+ 10x 600s Ha, 1x1 (01:40:00) 8x …
LBN 673 Dragon Rider (Mickey Mouse?) Soul Nebula - AstroBin
LBN 673: Whirling Dervish: Eastern lobe segment of the Soul Nebula a.k.a. Dragon Rider (the rider looks like Mickey Mouse?), Bridge of Souls, Great Rift, Heart and Core of the Soul …
LBN 673 (HII region) - In-The-Sky.org
From Virginia Beach , LBN 673 will become visible at around 20:10 (EDT), 48° above your north-western horizon, as dusk fades to darkness. It will then sink towards the horizon, becoming …
LBN673 - Imaging - Deep Sky - Stargazers Lounge
2024年2月22日 · LBN673 is the centre of the Soul Nebula (SH2-199), a star forming region located in Cassiopeia. The image below represents 10 hours integration time and was taken …
ZWO Astrophotography | **Deep into the Soul Nebula - LBN 673**
LBN 673 is a small portion of Sharpless 2-199, commonly known as the Soul Nebula, which is an emission nebula visible in Cassiopeia and located at approximately 7500 ly from Earth. This is …
Soul of the Soul -LBN 673, IC 1871- and his young stellar …
As a member of the {{0}}AstroBin Beta Testers{{1}} group, you are currently on the beta version of this app. To learn why a beta version is currently being tested, please see the latest posts on …
Lynds' Catalogue of Bright Nebulae - Wikipedia
Lynds' Catalogue of Bright Nebulae (abbreviation: LBN) is an astronomical catalogue of bright nebulae. Objects listed in the catalogue are numbered with the prefix LBN (not to be confused …
LBN 673 - TheSkySearchers
2022年10月21日 · LBN 673, the centre part of the Soul Nebula. You do not have the required permissions to view the files attached to this post. by Butterfly Maiden » Fri Oct 21, 2022 1:11 …
IC 1871 and LBN 637 - Soul Nebula region - SHO - 60 Hours
2021年12月17日 · On this imaging setup, after completing Melotte 15 in SHO, I decided on an area close to it. IC 1871 in the Soul Nebula region in SHO. This area contains LBN 673 as well …
LDN 673: 天鹰座的暗星云 | NASA中文
2022年10月29日 · This telescopic close-up looks toward the region at a fragmented Aquila dark cloud complex identified as LDN 673, stretching across a field of view slightly wider than the …
LBN 673 (Gary Imm) - AstroBin
Contribution Index (beta) is system to reward informative, constructive, and valuable commentary on AstroBin. This object is located 6500 light years away in the constellation of Cassiopeia. …
LBN673, The "Heart" of the Soul Nebula - AstroBin
Seen here is the "Heart" of the Soul Nebula, LBN673, a star forming region in the constellation of Cassiopeia rich with emission and dark nebulae. The large pillars at the top are reminiscent of …
FIX [450 mm] – [AQL] – LDN 673 - sternenhimmel fotografieren
Tatsächlich sind in diesem Bereich der Milchstraße die gleichen Sterntypen und deren Farben vorhanden, wie andernorts. Der Staub jedoch, der sich in unserer Sichtlinie befindet, ‘schluckt’ …
LBN 673 Nebulosa Anima • 1° Forum di Astronomia Amatoriale …
Buonasera pubblico questo mio ultimo lavoro ripreso il mese scorso, si tratta della nebulosa Anima LBN 673 situata nella Costellazione di Cassiopea, ad una distanza di 6.500 anni luce …
Astrophotography | **Deep into the Soul Nebula - LBN 673**
**Deep into the Soul Nebula - LBN 673** LBN 673 is a small portion of Sharpless 2-199, commonly known as the Soul Nebula, which is an emission nebula...
Lbn 673 et un petit cheval - Astrophotographie - Webastro
2008年11月18日 · En périphérie de IC1848 dans cassioppée se trouve une nébuleuse que carte du ciel identifie comme lbn673. Une moucheture en bas à gauche évoque le canasson à …
The Soul Nebula (IC 1848): 6 Panel Detailed Mosaic - AstroBin
The Soul nebula is a phenomenal narrowband target, with that silky filamentous flame like structure next to LBN 673, and multiple pillars of gas and dust reaching out to the center of the …