LBN 945 E Ori 05 15.2 -04 56 90’ 11 225 117 1:279 IC 405 Caldwell 31 Flaming Star Nebula R+E Aur 05 16.2 +34 16 60’ 5 97 59 1:114 NGC 1931 R+E Aur 05 31.4 +34 14 8’ 5 97 59 1:113 LBN 1001 E Lep 05 32.2 -10 58 80’ 11 270 136 1:302 NGC 1952 M 1 Crab Nebula SNR Tau 05 34.5 +22 01 6’ 5 135 77 1:158 ...
LBN 945 (HII region) - In-The-Sky.org
LBN 945 (HII region) LBN 945 (HII region) In-The-Sky.org. Guides to the night sky. Location: Redmond (47.67°N; 122.12°W) LBN 945 (HII region) Home Your Sky Constellations List Orion LBN 945. News Upcoming events By topic. Appulses ...
The Witch Head Nebula - Reprocessed (Gabriel R. Santos
This very wide field presents the nebula in its cosmic context – in a field glowing with faint nebulosity, and the surrounding Barnard’s Loop, NGC 1788 (in the left edge), Sh2-278 (bottom); and LBN 945 (faint dust in the left hand side).
31 LBN 945 945 E ORI 05 15.2 -04 56 90 3 32 IC 405 Caldwell 31 Flaming Star 795 C AUR 05 16.2 +34 16 60 2 33 NGC 1931 810 C AUR 05 31.4 +34 14 8 1 34 LBN 1001 1001 E LEP 05 32.2 -10 58 80 5 35 NGC 1952 M 1 Crab 833 S TAU 05 34.5 +22 01 6 1 36 Sh 2-264 Lambda Orionis E ORI 05 35.2 +09 56 60 ...
Bright nebulae, also called diffuse or Galactic nebulae, occur in two main classes depending on their source of illumination: emission and reflection, although they occasionally are a combination of the two (R+E). Much less common is a third type …
LBN 991 LBN 945 IC 405 Caldwell 31 Flaming Star Nebula NGC 1931 LBN 1001 NGC 1952 M 1 Crab Nebula Sh 2-264 Lambda Orionis N NGC 1973, 1975, 1977 Running Man Nebula . NGC 1976, 1982 M 42, M 43 Orion Nebula ... LBN 306 IC 5146 Caldwell 19 Cocoon Nebula Sh 2-137 Sh 2-134 Sh 2-155 Caldwell 9 Cave Nebula IC 1470 Ced 208 NGC 7538 Northern Lagoon Neb. ...
Orion - AstroBin
2023年3月13日 · The famous constellation of Orion, filled with well-known Deep Sky Objects like the Great Orion Nebula M 42, the Running Man, the Horsehead Nebula, the Flame Nebula, M 78, Barnard's Loop... It is my first image using my Canon EOS 60D DSLR and the Canon 50mm/1.8 lens, stopped down to f/2.8 to improve star shapes in the corners.
Sh2-278 (Mike_van_den_Berg) - AstroBin
Celestial hemisphere: Southern · Constellation: Orion (Ori) · Contains: LBN 945 · LBN 956 · LBN 957 · LBN 960 · LBN 961 · LBN 964 · LBN 969 · LDN 1634 · Sh2-278 View Inverted monochrome
Astronomy Tools & Astrophotography - TELESCOPIUS
Find astronomy targets and generate object lists for your observing and astrophotography sessions.
The Lynds' catalogue of bright nebulae in Orion - In-The-Sky.org
Showing objects from Lynds' catalogue of bright nebulae. Showing objects 1 to 88 of 88.
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