CloudTemplar - Leaguepedia | League of Legends Esports Wiki
CloudTemplar now has a wide champion pool of junglers and a precise jungling style. He gained popularity on NA and KR servers as a master of Rammus and Skarner. His impressive …
CloudTemplar - Liquipedia League of Legends Wiki
Lee "CloudTemplar" Hyun-woo (born November 9, 1988) is a Korean commentator. Before becoming a commentator, he played as the Jungler for CJ Entus Frost.
CloudTemplar TV (LCK Commentator) - YouTube
CloudTemplar's Youtube Channel - Solo RankStreaming in Afreeca TV : http://www.afreecatv.com/killgusdnkIf You need more Trash Video, [Subscr...
如何看待 LCK 解说 CloudTemplar MSI 赛后分析:LCK 统治的时代 …
2021年6月7日 · 如何看待 LCK 解说 CloudTemplar MSI 赛后分析:LCK 统治的时代已经结束? MSI 落下帷幕最终 RNG 三比二击败 DK 斩获 MSI 冠军,赛后 LCK 解说 CloudTemplar 对四强 …
油管 LCK知名解说CloudTemplar的MSC季中杯总结评论 LPL最强赛区! LCK …
油管 LCK知名解说CloudTemplar的MSC季中杯总结评论 LPL最强赛区! LCK何去何从?
LCK解说CloudTemplar谈新UI:没有任何人喜欢,幸好这不是LCK …
2025年3月17日 · T1作为卫冕冠军直接参加石油杯,姿态锐评HLE夺冠,还不如LCK联赛有难度,先锋赛把把都在玩,【闲谭】Tabe参加IWD播客 聊聊执教、Uzi、学英语和BP等内 …
【LCK】CloudTemplar的季後賽預測! 冥燈之力這次會發揮作用嗎?
2021年8月28日 · LCK賽評CloudTemplar在16日開台直播,對接下來的季後賽進行了簡單的預測,以下為部份內容翻譯: NS是一支奇妙的隊伍,在最近這個時代難得一見。 他們看起來不像 …
CloudTemplar: Results - Liquipedia League of Legends Wiki
Overview Results BroadcastsPlayer Results [edit]
Cloud Templar's review on group A today : r/leagueoflegends - Reddit
It's a translation of LCK caster Cloud Templar's reviews on group A today. "Alright let's start with EDG. EDG made it out of the groups as 2nd place. They showed quite the dominant …
Cloudtemplar(LCK caster) comments on G2's draft(G2 vs T1) - Reddit
Cloudtemplar (LCK caster) comments on G2's draft (G2 vs T1) G1 My first take on G2's draft: they've stepped over the line. They were overconfident with their picks. Actually, that was the …