029626 - R26-Lck-GCaMP6f[flox] Strain Details - The Jackson …
Lck-GCaMP6f is a detector of single neuronal action potentials with fast response kinetics. It has an Lck-tag to improve its ability to reveal calcium signals in near membrane regions and fine processes (<em>e.g.</em>, astrocyte processes).
pZac2.1 gfaABC1D-lck-GCaMP6f - Addgene
Ready-to-use AAV5 particles produced from pZac2.1 gfaABC1D-lck-GCaMP6f (#52924). In addition to the viral particles, you will also receive purified pZac2.1 gfaABC1D-lck-GCaMP6f plasmid DNA. gfaABC1D-driven (similar to GFAP promoter) lck-GCaMP6f calcium sensor expression. These AAV preparations are suitable purity for injection into animals.
什么是GCaMP6f?钙离子成像技术。 - CSDN博客
2022年6月22日 · GCaMP6f是一种基因编码的钙离子指示剂,常用于监测神经元活动。相较于GCaMP3,GCaMP6f的灵敏度提高了10倍,动力学快2倍,特别适用于检测快速钙信号变化。GCaMP6系列包括GCaMP6s、6m和6f,分别对应不同的动力学特性,其中GCaMP6f以它的高速响应和高灵敏度而被广泛使用。
钙成像、电压成像及神经递质探针原理介绍 - 丁香通研选
2020年11月22日 · 第六代GCaMP蛋白(GCaMP6)有三种不同亚型:GCaMP6s、GCaMP6m、GCaMP6f,其特点各不相同(图4)。 GCaMP6s高敏感,适合低频信号的指示,;GCaMP6f有快速动力学曲线,解离最快,适合高频信号的指示,需要根据实验需求进行选择。
Ultrasensitive fluorescent proteins for imaging neuronal activity
2013年7月17日 · Fluorescent calcium sensors are widely used to image neural activity. Using structure-based mutagenesis and neuron-based screening, we developed a family of ultrasensitive protein calcium...
Figure S2: Signal characteristics of astrocytic cyto-GCaMP6s and Lck-GCaMP6f (related to Figure 1). A) The mean cyto-GCaMP6s peak amplitude increased following 90Hz (8s) whisker stimulation compared to no stimulation. Only peaks below the cyto-GCaMP6s peak latency threshold (0-14.74s) were considered.
pPBC-LG6s - Addgene
pPBC-LG6s expresses PiggyBac inverted terminal repeat-flanked Lck-GCaMP6s under the control of the CAG promoter.
2021年2月22日 · 目前研究中应用最多、性能最稳定的遗传编码钙指示剂为GCaMP6,其有6s、6m、6f三种类型(Tsai-W Chen,. 2013),其主要区别为荧光变量和动力学性质的不同(图4)。 GCaMP6s荧光变量最大且动力学属性最慢,因此对钙离子浓度变化的敏感度最高,能够检测到更微弱的细胞活动;GCaMP6f动力学属性最快,在记录细胞内钙信号时时间精度最高,但荧光变量小对钙离子浓度变化的敏感度低。 图4. GCaMP6系列荧光变量及动力学性质对比.
Extracting meaningful circuit-based calcium dynamics in …
2021年3月3日 · Here, we use AAV delivery of GCaMP6 or GCaMP7 constructs in genetically defined neuronal populations, or use a LCK-tagged GCaMP6 construct (Shigetomi et al., 2010) to target the plasma membrane of astrocytes.
Cortical Circuit Activity Evokes Rapid Astrocyte Calcium Signals …
2018年5月16日 · Here, we used novel combinations of genetically encoded calcium indicators for concurrent two-photon imaging of cortical astrocytes and neurons in awake mice during whisker deflection. We identified calcium responses in both astrocyte processes and endfeet that rapidly followed neuronal events (∼120 ms after).
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