Light Strikes in LCP II .22lr - Ruger Pistol Forums
2020年5月6日 · With my 380 LCP II, I had to go through two iterations with Ruger to get it running right. And thankfully now it's running great. The .22lr version had been working fine. Put it in a case, drove from FL to NV. Took it to a Vegas range right our of the case and it ran ok for a couple mags, then started light striking like mad.
LCP-II 22LR and Hyper Velocity Ammo | Ruger Pistol Forums
2020年7月18日 · After test-firing the following 9 type of 22LR ammo, I am certain that my LCP-II 22LR is fine and very reliable. But it works much better with some ammo (e.g., Aguila Interceptor 40gr; Winchester Super-X Hyper Speed 40gr; Federal 325 Value Pack 36gr) than other ammo (e.g., CCI Segmented; CCI Velocitor; Winchester 525 Value Pack 36gr).
LCP II .22LR broken Firing Pin! - Ruger Pistol Forums
2022年2月19日 · Update on Broken Firing Pin for my LCP II .22lr. I went to the range. Fired 250rds, using CCI, Aguila, Remington & Federal ammo, and three different magazines. I had one failure to feed, no failures to fire! So, I am happy with that. I will give it another run through on the range before i declare it "good to go". Just an FYI for everyone.
First trip with LCP II .22LR - Ruger Pistol Forums
2020年2月7日 · Shot my first rounds with the .22lr lcp. Attached is my target sheet. Left column is the lcp .22lr with a variety of ammo. CCI up top, cheaper as you move down. Center column is the 380 lcpII on the top 2 circles. After 2 mags, I had a bizarre "pffft" that left a …
LCPII 22LR First ammo test. | Ruger Pistol Forums
2020年5月15日 · 22LR test ammo for LCPII 22LR. Short visit but went well for first test. This LCPII 22LR did well for me after a quick clean and some CLP. Testing to continue. First range test went without issue. Just around 230 rounds total. Informal target setup for test. All x3 mags worked from Ruger. Easy to load. Good shooter.
New LCP II with major problem - Ruger Pistol Forums
2017年2月20日 · Rugers presently owned: LCP II, LCP(2), LCP Custom(4) LC9S (semi-pro)(3), Convertible Single Six (x2), Mark II, MK IV Tactical, SR 22, 10/22 Takedown Lite, M77(.223), Mini-14, PCC 9 NRA Benefactor Gun Owners of America Freedom 's Never Free Cowards die many times before their deaths; The valiant taste of death but once.
Brand new LCP ii 22, failure to feed | Ruger Pistol Forums
2020年8月22日 · I know this thread is old. I just purchased the LCP II .22LR thinking it would be a backup. CCI Velocitor: 450 Rounds fired, 42 failed to feed, which is almost 10%. It occurs with 2 different magazines and 2 different barrels. The bullet doesn't enter the chamber, either hitting the top or bottom and hanging. This seems unacceptable.
LCP II 22 LR Ammo Results Today | Ruger Pistol Forums
2021年2月27日 · Fits Ruger™ LCP II 22lr Lite Rack Series of Pistols Only. I did not replace the trigger spring just the extractor spring and the firing pin spring and the MCARBO Recoil spring .22LR only and stainless steel guide rod and take down pin. Performance Spring Kit for Ruger LCP II Lite Rack Pistols Ruger LCP 2 Extra Power Recoil Spring - 22LR Only
LCP 22lr as a EDC - Ruger Pistol Forums
2020年2月23日 · I plan to carry my new LCP 22lr, as a pocket carry. Given that, what self-defense rounds would you recommend. Right now I have CCI Velocitors loaded, with CCI segmented HP's on order from SG Ammo. Q- does anyone know of any frangible rounds that are available. I feel that ordinary HP's serve no real value and generally don't expand.
LCP II in 22 LR. - Ruger Pistol Forums
2021年7月9日 · I'm thinking about selling the 380 LCP II and buying a 22 LCP or a Beretta Bobcat 22 LR. If 32 ACP ammo was easier to find, I'd buy a Beretta 32 ACP Tomcat. The Berettas are available in stainless steel which is ideal for pocket carry - no corrosion. My Gen 1 LCP started showing rust spots after pocket carrying occasionally for about 5 years.