unicodepwd and ldifde - social.technet.microsoft.com
2008年2月19日 · I have a possible answer to the original question. We have been using LDIFDE and LDIF files to create users in AD for years using unicodePwd.
Prepare Current Forest Error - Deployment Skype for Business
There’s a similar case for your reference, You can try to use Ldifde.exe to import the schema files.
Add attribute through commandline in Active Directory
2013年3月26日 · You can use a LDIF (Lightweight Directory Interchange Format) file with all of your schema extensions in it and use the ldifde.exe command line tool to import these into the Active Directory Schema.
Error Code 8224 Ldifde Exchange 2013 installation failure
2015年6月2日 · " was run: "There was an error while running 'ldifde.exe' to import the schema file 'C:\Windows\Temp\ExchangeSetup\Setup\Data\PostExchange2003_schema0.ldf'. The error code is: 8224.
anti-spam question - social.technet.microsoft.com
2008年10月1日 · Nevertheless, I suggest that you can compose a LDF file according to following format and import the blocked senders list into AD by using Ldifde tool if you have Exchange 2003.
Exportar miembros de un Grupo a txt
2008年6月19日 · Queria saber si habia alguna manera de exportar la lista de usuarios que posee un grupo a un archivo de texto. Estuve probando con el comando csvde & ldifde y logre hacer algo similar a lo que quiero pero a nivel OU. ¿Hay manera de hacerlo a nivel grupo? y que solamente me de el DisplayName, es decir el Nombre del usuario Ej, Matias Martinero ?
New Surface Book with UEFI says TPM ready for use with reduced ...
2016年7月13日 · Surface Book is Domain joined, I checked UEFI settings and TPM is on. Bitlocker GPO applied ok, ran Bitlocker wizard ok, can see pw recovery in AD. No PIN required, selected use TPM to automatically unlock drive. On reboot after encryption 100% encrypted, took long time to reach login screen. Then in Event Viewer, the last TPM-WMI event is 1026 "The Trusted Platform Module (TPM) hardware on ...
Some users get blank OWA page after logon
Some, but not all of our users have issues opening OWA. After logging in, the web page stays blank.
inetorgpersonprevent.ldf (errors)
3. Make sure the syntax your using is correct. There are LOTS of examples on the net, this is the only one that worked for me: ldifde -i -f c:\path to inetorgpersonprevent.ldf -v -c DC=X "dc=yourdomain,dc=com"
Auslesen des AD/LDIFDE + suchen über zwei Zeilen mit zwei Strings
Was möchte ich eigentlich erreichen? Ich möchte in erster Linie das HomeDir, dass bei den Usern angegeben ist in einer Variable haben um es später als Pfad nutzen zukönnen, damit das Ganze über dem Strich dort hin kopiert werden kann.