Indirect Object Pronouns in Spanish: Me, Te, Le, Nos, Les
2021年3月31日 · Le and les become se when they are combined with the direct object pronouns lo, la, los, las. Let’s learn about…
Spanish Indirect Object Pronouns 101: The Complete Guide
2025年1月29日 · Spanish indirect object pronouns are me, te, le, nos, os, les. The pronoun se replaces le/les in sentences which also contain third-person direct object pronouns.
如何分清西班牙语人称代词lo,le,se? - 知乎
其实宾格、与格、自复代词都长得很像,也就第三人称不一样,所以很多同学都晕se,lo,le。 就没听说过有人晕me,yo的,赶紧好好背一下这个表。
Different usage of "se," "le," "lo" and "la" got me confused
2017年6月28日 · lo is the direct object meaning "him", or a masculine noun "it" or "you" formal in English. la is the direct object meaning "her", or a feminine noun "it" or "you" formal in English. le is the indirect object meaning "to him", "to her", or "to you" formal in English. se replaces le when two pronouns are used in a sentence: Se la dió.
11056 西班牙语 se 的用法总结 - 知乎
这句话中的 se 是自复代词充当间接宾语,表示使自己(即妈妈)受益;le 用作直接宾语代词,指代孩子,更标准的说法是用 lo。
How To Use the 7 Spanish Indirect Object Pronouns + Examples
2024年7月3日 · Spanish indirect object pronouns—me, te, le, se, nos, os, and les— are needed to show an exchange of a direct object between the subject and an indirect object.
Using me, te, le, nos, os, les (indirect object pronouns) - Kwiziq Spanish
6 天之前 · Learn when and how to use Spanish indirect object pronouns (me, te, le, nos, os, les) to show who benefits from an action. Includes examples, translations, and placement rules for A2 level Spanish.
自学西班牙语|自复动词的详细整理说明 - 知乎
自复动词 是表示 “自我”进行的动作,词尾的se要根据人称的变化进行变化。 自复动词,动作的发出者发出一个对象是自己的动作,这是本质意思。
"se" 和 "le" 和有什么不一样? | HiNative
@oKailey está difícil tu pregunta: ( "le presento a..." es la versión formal de "te presento a..." El "le" sirve para presentar a alguien a otras personas. también sirve para preguntar a otras personas sobre alguien. y "¿cómo se llama?" es la versión formal de "¿Cómo te llamas? y se usa cuando hablas directamente con una persona.
"le" 和 "se" 和有什么不一样? | HiNative
Se: 2 possibilities: 1. Se usa para el reflexivo: (used in reflexive verbs): se lava, se cepilla los dientes, se levanta, se cansa... Se ~ (to) himself/herself. 2. Se usa en lugar de "le" cuando también está la/lo en lugar del complemento directo (in place of "le" when you also have la/lo for the direct object): Doy el lápiz a María -> se ...