The Fastest Way to Change Your Physique - T NATION
2024年3月14日 · You'll notice shrugs with a slight forward torso lean, which includes both the scapular elevation and retraction functions to some extent. Whether it's the Wendler row or simply leaning forward 15-20 degrees on shrug variations, this small modification makes the exercises a lot more effective.
This study compared two lower body leg lifts, the trap bar deadlift (TBDL) and the leg press (LP), relative to their contributions to strength (6-RM leg strength), power (vertical jump-VJ height), and speed (36.6 meter-36.6MS) in adolescent males.
Pre- and post-tests were conducted for 6-RM leg strength in TBDL or LP, VJ height, and 36.6MS. Both groups improved their lower body leg strength. The TBDL group improved the TBDL 6-RM by 21% (p<0.01) and the LP group improved the LP 6-RM by 19.7% (p<0.01).
Trap Bar Deadlifts - Bigger Stronger Leaner - T NATION
2015年5月30日 · A few very basic, natural compound lifts (the fewer the better): picking up something heavy off the ground (TBDL) then carrying it (TB farmer’s carry), pressing overhead (OHP), and pulling myself up (weighted chin-ups/rope climbs). Nothing really technical that requires training specific form for a long time.
TOTAL BODY/LOWER BODY EX: TBDL TRAP BAR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Movement Pre Req: 1. TPI Toe Touch 2. ASLR (modified FMS) PASS FAIL MOBILITY WORK: • PNF Hamstring • RBT 3-Way Hamstring STATIC STABILITY: • Leg Lowering I/II DYNAMIC STABILITY: • Hinge Patterning • Wall Tap • Kneel Hinge • PVC Hinge • Banded Hinge When athlete establishes
Lean 中文文档 - Lean Prover 中文文档
Lean 是一个交互式定理证明器(Interactive Theorem Prover, ITP),也是一门通用函数式编程语言。 微软研究院在 2013 年推出这一计算机定理证明器,数学家可以把数学定理转换成代码,再输入到 Lean 中,让程序来验证定理是否正确。
Transitioning to Minimalist Cluster: Trap-bar Deadlift …
2024年1月17日 · Personally, trap bar deadlift feel much less strenuous than a normal deadlift. I'll just throw out another alternative: Consider doing deficit TBDL as your main exercise. At least for me, it requires lower hips/smaller knee angle in order to avoid an rounded back. This results in more quad involvement, but also a lower max weight.
Lean + LLM ≈ 数学证明智能化 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Coq, Lean是形式逻辑的推演工具,使用这些工具,能够避免推理过程的错误,这好比是在法律过程中保证了程序的正义性。 同时它们经过类型论的限制,触及到语义,虽然不再是图灵机完备,但是避免了罗素悖论。
Lean 中文文档翻译 · GitHub
Lean-zh 是一个自发组成的团体,旨在推动 Lean 在中文学术和编程社区的普及和应用。 如果你对 Lean 感兴趣,对编写 Lean 教程、翻译官方文档、开发 Lean 项目,或者任何其他形式的贡献感兴趣,欢迎加入我们。
面向程序员的Lean4教程(1) - 像传统编程语言一样使用Lean - 知乎
Lean 4支持if-then-else、while、for等基本流程控制,支持def来定义函数,支持structure来定义结构体,支持类型类等等常规编程语言的特性。 同时,我们还学习了引入巨大的Mathlib4库,来支持更面向数学的功能。