CFM LEAP 1A Engine Mod - Airliner mods - Threshold
2020年6月16日 · Quick Comment- IIf you are trying to do liveries make sure that you are placing the new engine texture in to the correct folder with in your livery, the directory of the livery has to match the directory of the default objects folder, if the LEAP Engines basic texture is in the objects/LEAP Engines folder in the default directory for the FFA320/Toliss319/321, you need …
CFM LEAP 1A Engine Mod - Page 2 - Airliner mods - Threshold
2020年6月16日 · Quick Comment- IIf you are trying to do liveries make sure that you are placing the new engine texture in to the correct folder with in your livery, the directory of the livery has to match the directory of the default objects folder, if the LEAP Engines basic texture is in the objects/LEAP Engines folder in the default directory for the FFA320/Toliss319/321, you need …
CFM56 5B/5A Engine Mod for FF320, Toliss A319/A321
2022年2月1日 · I Present to you all the CFM56 5B/5A Engine Mod Replacement for the FlightFactor A320, Toliss A319 & A321 ----- Fully Animated Interior/Exterior Reverse's, Engine Flex Animations with Custom Particles and reverse thrust particle effects. Created using the new DDS format for 11.50 - only 1 version of Texture Size - 4K
IAE V2500 Engine Mod for FF320, Toliss A319/A321 - Threshold
2021年9月28日 · I Present to you all the IAE V2500 Engine Mod Replacement for the FlightFactor A320, Toliss A319 & A321 ----- Fully Animated Interior/Exterior Reverse's, Engine Flex Animations with Custom Particles and reverse thrust particle effects. Created using the new DDS format for 11.50 - only 1 version of Texture Size - 4K
Virgin America A321neo Carda CFM Leap engine textures
2024年7月31日 · Virgin America A321neo Carda CFM Leap engine textures 1.0.0 (0 reviews) By Southwest_aviation.
Pratt & Whitney 1100-G Engine Mod - Airliner mods - Threshold
2020年7月12日 · Quick Comment- IIf you are trying to do liveries make sure that you are placing the new engine texture in to the correct folder with in your livery, the directory of the livery has to match the directory of the default objects folder, if the PW Engines basic texture is in the objects/PW Engines folder in the default directory for the FFA320/Toliss319/321, you need to …
ToLiss A319 WOW Air LEAP 1A engine mod livery - Threshold
2020年7月9日 · Open the folder and place the folder "[LEAP] WOW Air" into X-Plane 11 > Aircraft > Laminar Research > A319 (ToLiss)> liveries Bare in mind, this route could change depending on the location of your ToLiss A319.
ToLiss A321 Alaska Airlines LEAP 1A engine mod livery 1.0.0
2020年7月2日 · Hello all, this is our "Alaska Airlines'' Livery for the LEAP 1A engine mod for the ToLiss A321. This livery is based on a real life A321. Callsign: N928VA This download is meant for users with the LEAP 1A engine mod installed! Thank you to Matt Designs for letting us use his WOW air livery.
FlightFactor A320 Ultimate Liveries - Qatar Airways with CFM LEAP …
2020年7月15日 · Kindly make sure the "Qatar Airways" folder is installed in the same path where you have your FF A320 Ultimate with CFM LEAP 1A Engine Mod. Credits: - Elyan (Me) for the Paint - Cardajowol for both the FFA320 CFM LEAP 1A Engine Mod and LEAP PaintKit 1.2.0 Legal: Do not upload this Livery to other sites (Edited or not edited).
REM - Threshold
2021年1月9日 · Realistic Engine Modification. Bringing Close to Realistic Engine Mods to you favourite aircraft. My main reason for these new engines was to bring more options to many aircraft that didn't have these types of engines, I started out trying to retexture other engines and not overly successfully doing it, mainly because of the size of the textures and modelling …