Leben CS300 integrated amplifier - Stereophile.com
2011年11月8日 · This line-only integrated amplifier contains a total of six tubes: one pair of 5751 dual-triodes, and two pairs of EL84 power pentodes—the latter a tube noted for its ability to work well with very low-voltage input signals. The EL84s run in class-A/B in a straightforward autobias circuit, for a total of 12Wpc.
Leben Hi-Fi Stereo Company
CS-300X (S) is equipped with SOVTEK Tube EL-84 which has been welknown by audiophiles for its high sound quality against its small size. A high input sensitivity of EL84 does not require a complicated circuit and accordingly, it can create a low distortion output signal. JOINT CONDENSOR: "Metalized Polypropylene Condensor" with "Mesh-Shielding".
Leben CS 300F Integrated Amplifier - hi-fi+
2021年8月23日 · They moved on, but Leben is back… and the company’s latest CS 300F integrated amplifier marks that return. Depending on your viewpoint, Leben makes evergreen audio products that have a timeless classic appeal, or it makes retro products that call upon the designs of a bygone age.
[官方測試報告] 嚐鮮 ~ Leben CS 300 XS 合併擴音機 : Hiendy.com
手執的CS 300XS 是專為LS3/5a 所設計的特別版, 機背有8,11,16 ohm所選擇, 機身兩側以原塊木材所造, 黄銅色的面板配上大旋鈕, 令我回想起七十年代舅父家中的一套先鋒擴音機, 那時的愉快回憶, 至今還津津樂道; 說回300xs, 她是以兩支Sovtek 12AX7A 低燥膽作放大, 並以四支Sovtek El84 作推挽輸出, 輸出功率為15W。 筆者所採用是LS3/5a 的後繼 KEF LS50, 正好是天作之合了, 訊源為Arcam CD37; 未開聲前, 心裡有一大疑問, 15瓦? 的確大小吧! LS50 雖則是一對書架喇叭, 但靈 …
Leben CS300XS Review - VintageSonics
As a result, one must evaluate the Leben CS300XS on its own merits. After that, you’ll discover it to be an amazing integrated amplifier that outperforms practically anything at the price – its unrestricted, open, and musical character presents acoustic instrument tonality so naturally.
Leben CS300XS integrated amplifier - hi-fi+
2024年2月13日 · The amp uses a self-biasing circuit that will accept new tubes without rebias and adjusts to any variations in the tubes themselves. Leben says they also use precision industrial-grade resistors, Nichicon Fine Gold condensers and a 4W high-power cathode resistor.
Leben CS-300 XS: the magic of valves made in Japan - Audio 2G
2024年4月20日 · Handmade in Japan, this Leben CS-300 XS with its 15W is capable of captivating and bewitching the enthusiast who will find himself enveloped in a timeless, magical sound. Capable beyond imagination of driving, even creating good listening levels, if mastered it leads into an almost mystical listening experience, not for nothing it is an iconic ...
Leben CS300 integrated amplifier Specifications - Stereophile.com
Description: Two-channel tubed integrated amplifier. Tube complement: four EL84/6BQ5 (Sovtek), two 5751 (GE). Line inputs: 5 plus tape loop. Input sensitivity: 600mV. Output power: 12Wpc into 4, 6, or 8 ohms (7.8dBW, 9.3dBW, 10.8dBW, respectively). Frequency response: 15Hz–100kHz, –2dB. Total harmonic distortion: 0.7% at 10Wpc.
Leben Hi-Fi Stereo Company CS-300F - Positive Feedback
2021年11月17日 · Leben amplification products are known for excelling at playing music in a natural and effortless way, being harmonically rich, tonally correct and very transparent, having a tight and tuneful bass response, and a very wide bandwidth. The …
New / Leben CS-300XS // Tube Integrated Amplifier - Aural HiFi
The Leben CS-300XS integrated amplifier doesn't just offer flawless performance; it delivers a transcendent listening experience. This finely crafted amplifier seamlessly becomes part of your listening room, exuding understated excellence. Leben's reputation extends beyond its exceptional tube architecture and craftsma