Conjugation of German verb leben - Netzverb Dictionary
Conjugation German verb leben (live, live (with)): in present, past, subjunctive, perfect, ... many examples, translations, grammar, rules, speech output, definitions, exercises and downloads.
Conjugation verb leben in German - Reverso
Conjugate the German verb leben: future, participle, present. See German conjugation models. Translate leben in context, with examples of use and definition.
Present of German verb leben - Netzverb Dictionary
Present German verb leben (live, live (with)): rules explained, grammar, many examples, translations, definition, speech output, exercises, download.
Sentences with German verb leben - Netzverb Dictionary
Sentences and examples for the use of the verb „leben“ with all details. For each conjugated form of „leben“ there is a corresponding example sentence with download and speech output.
English translation of 'leben' - Collins Online Dictionary
English Translation of “LEBEN” | The official Collins German-English Dictionary online. Over 100,000 English translations of German words and phrases.
Conjugation German - LEBEN | Learniv.com
There are simple verb forms (e.g. ich mache, ich machte) and compound verb forms that use an auxiliary verb (e.g. ich habe gemacht, ich werde machen). There are 6 tenses in German in total. Two of them are simple: the present simple (Präsens) and the past simple (Präteritum).
Verb conjugation of "leben" in German - Vocabulix
Leben - Verb conjugation in German. Learn how to conjugate leben in various tenses. Present: ich lebe, du lebst, er lebt ...
Conjugation of the German verb leben - Lexis Rex
A list of the common conjugations for the German verb leben, along with their English translations. This is more a literary tense, i.e. a tense used in writing, in everyday speech the Perfekt is used to refer to past actions.
The regular verb 'leben' in German - GermanVeryEasy.com
'leben' is a regular verb, its auxiliary verb is haben. Lebe dein Leben frei von Sorgen! Live your life with no worries! Privacy policy Term of use.
German verb conjugation LEBEN - derkonjugator.com
German verb conjugation leben to the masculine. Weak verb.
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