Self-verification theory (e.g., Swann, 1983) assumes that people have a powerful desire to confirm and stabilize their firmly held self-views. This desire for stable self-views can be understood by considering how and why people develop self-views in the first place.
Self-Verification Theory - SpringerLink
2017年1月17日 · Self-verification theory (Swann 1983) developed Lecky’s idea that stable self-views organize people’s efforts to maximize coherence. This emphasis on the crucial role of chronic self-views in organizing efforts to attain coherence distinguishes self-verification theory from consistency theories such as cognitive dissonance.
In this essay I focus on the target’s contribution to the identity negotia-tion process. In the tradition of the early symbolic interactionists (e.g., Cooley, 1902; Mead, 1934), I assume that people form self-views as a means of making sense of the world, predicting the responses of others, and guiding behavior.
自我验证理论(self-verification theory)是Swann(1983, 1987)在符号互动理论 和自我一致性理论(Lecky, 1945)及一系列实证研究的基础之上提出的。 该理论认为,个体试图在自我知觉之间以及自我知觉与即将获得的信息之间寻求一致性:人们希望他人看待自己的方式与自己看待 ...
Swann自我验证理论及实证研究简介 - 道客巴巴
2013年4月15日 · ⋅ 2 自我验证理论 2. 1 Sw ann 的自我验证理论 在传统的符号互动理论和自我一致性理论(如 Lecky,1945) 的基础上, Swann 于 20 世纪 80 年代提出了自我验证理论。 该理论的核心假设是: 人们为了获得对外界的控制感和预测感, 会不断地寻求或引发与其自我概念相一致的反馈, 从而保持并强化他们原有的自我概念。 Swann 认为人们自我验证的根本原因是, 人们有增强对现实的预测和控制的动机。
(PDF) Self-Verification Theory - ResearchGate
2017年1月1日 · Furthermore, the self-enhancement theory (Kwang & Swann Jr, 2010) suggests users aim to boost their social status and self-image by emphasizing their strengths, while the self-verification...
liam B. Swann, Jr., Department of Psychology, University of Texas, Aus- tin, Texas 78712. ideas about themselves and social reality, and at least on occa- sion, they took active steps to ensure that perceivers shared those ideas. Social reality was not simply constructed by per-
(PDF) To be adored or to be known: The interplay of self …
1990年1月1日 · According to self-verification theory, self-confirming evaluations are sought because they promote perceptions of prediction and control by fostering intrapsychic and interpersonal coherence...
Swann自我验证理论及实证研究简介 - 百度文库
2.1 Swann 的自我验证理论 在传统的符号互动理论和自我一致性理论(如 Lecky,1945)的基础上,Swann 于 20 世 纪 80 年代提出了自我验证理论。 该理论的核心假设是:人们为了获得对外界的控制感和预 测感,会不断地寻求或引发与其自我概念相一致的反馈,从而保持 ...
Swann and Pelham (1987, Study 1) found a highly reliable ten-dency for people to prefer their ideal friends and intimates to see them as they saw themselves (Fs > 100). Thus, just as people who had positive self-conceptions preferred others to view them favorably, people who had negative conceptions of themselves