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Lee El - Wikipedia
She is best known for her supporting roles in the film Inside Men (2015), the television series It's Okay, That's Love (2014), Guardian: The Lonely and Great God (2016–2017), A Korean Odyssey (2017–2018), and Black (2017) as well as her leading roles in the film What a Man Wants (2018) [1] and television series My Liberation Notes (2022).
이엘 — The Movie Database (TMDB)
Kim Ji-hyun, better known by her stage name EL (or Lee El), is a South Korean actress, best known as Lee Byung-hun's ill fated love interest in Inside Men.
이엘입니다 (@2l_kjh) • Instagram photos and videos
181K Followers, 879 Following, 1,612 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from 이엘입니다 (@2L_kjh)
Lee Ei (South Korean Actress) - Biography,Lifestyle,House,Cars
Lee Ei (South Korean Actress) - Biography,Lifestyle,House,Cars - Lee Ei BiographyLee Ei (South Korean Actress) - Biography,Lifestyle,House,Cars - Lee Ei Biog...
이아이 (@leeae_ai) • Instagram photos and videos
463K Followers, 1 Following, 303 Posts - 이아이 (@leeae_ai) on Instagram: "부계 @leeae_vv"
李伊在《鬼怪》扮演的三神奶奶,擁有兩個造型,包括是白髮彎腰駝背的婆婆,以及以性感紅唇形象示人的貌美女生。 脫下戲服的山神奶奶的身材原來相當緊緻,擁有美好曲線的她,在平日生活習慣亦下了不少苦功。 要令身材保持緊緻,運動是不二法門。 經常到健身室的李伊表示,她最常做的運動包括有Pilates。 她認為Pilates除了能夠釋放壓力及塑造身體線條外,長期做Pilates也改善了她脊椎側彎以及骨盆傾斜的問題。 另一個李伊推薦的運動是舞蹈。 舞蹈對李伊而言,是一項 …
李 偉玉ホームページ
現在ギタリストとして演奏活動を続ける傍ら、、音楽教室「G-Works」にて若手プロギタリストを育成。 「FCFミュージックスクール」でも講師をしている。 稲生座でのオリジナル音源がYouTubeで聞けます! 毎月 上野のBritish Pub「The Warrior Celt」ウォリアーケルトで カヴァー曲中心のライブしているロックトリオ! のオリジナル音源がmyspaceで聞けます! 太田ジローさんのCDにウクレレとアコスティックギターで六曲参加しています! 両国にあるギタ …
Lee El (이엘) - MyDramaList
Lee El (born Kim Ji Hyun) is a South Korean actress, born in Seoul, South Korea. She is best known as Lee Byung Hun's ill-fated love interest in the movie "Inside Men", as well as supporting roles in the MBC's series "Monster" and the tvN's series "Goblin".