Yoshiko Yamaguchi - Wikipedia
Yoshiko Yamaguchi (Japanese: 山口淑子 Yamaguchi Yoshiko; Chinese: 山口淑子 Shānkǒu Shūzǐ; 12 February, 1920 – 7 September, 2014) was a Japanese singer, actress, journalist, and politician. Born in China, she made an international career in film in China, Hong Kong, Japan and the United States.
李香兰(Shirley Yamaguchi,1920年2月12日—2014年9月7日),出生于辽宁省 辽阳市 灯塔市,祖籍日本 佐贺县,本名山口淑子,日本华语女歌手、演员。 [5] 1944年在上海与 黎锦光 合作发行歌曲《夜来香》。 1945年日本战败,李香兰以汉奸罪名被逮捕,后因其日本公民身份被无罪释放。 1946年遣送回日本,1947年改回原名山口淑子继续其演艺事业。 1958年冠夫姓成为大鹰淑子,告别舞台转而从政。 1974年当选参议院议员,1992年退休。 2005年发表文章反对 日本首 …
三年(San Nien - Three Years) - The story of Li Xiang Lan (李香兰)
2007年3月8日 · "Born in 1920 to Japanese parents in Manchuria, Yoshiko Yamaguchi. Adopted by a local warlord and began singing while still in high school. During the Japanese occupation of China, she was ...more....
历史 | 因名李香兰——一代女伶的传奇人生 ~ 南方人物周刊
2018年1月3日 · 李香兰,本名山口淑子,曾是上世纪三四十年代日本侵华战争时期红遍亚洲的歌手、影星。 传唱至今的《夜来香》《何日君再来》《恨不相逢未嫁时》,都是由她唱红的。 她的一生传奇波折,以日本人身份假扮中国女演员,曾和“东京玫瑰”川岛芳子相交甚密,日本战败后几因“汉奸罪”被处死,无罪释放后返日,又走上政坛,致力于中日关系。 她的故事,和她的歌曲、电影,成为许多刻画那个年代的文艺作品寻索和借用的元素。 1920年2月,沈阳近郊,日侨山口家 …
The History of Yamaguchi Yoshiko 山口淑子 also known as Li Xiang Lan …
readings of her Chinese stage name: Li Xianglan in Mandarin and Ri Kōran in Japanese. Additionally, Yamaguchi the autobiographer occasionally adopts a detached narrative perspective, referring to herself in the third person by her Chinese stage name.
The Mystery of Yoshiko Yamaguchi. Final thoughts. - Blogger
While making her film "Kimi to boku" in Korea in 1941, Yoshiko specifically mentions being brought to a police station to meet "her parents": a Korean couple named Lee who swore she was their long-lost daughter. The Korean couple cried bitterly and thought their missing baby (Yoshiko) had been kidnapped, taken to Manchuria, and raised by ...
The History of Yamaguchi Yoshiko 山口淑子 also known as Li Xiang Lan …
She changed her name from Li Xiang Lan to 'Shirley Yamaguchi' and appeared in movies like 'East is East' as well as on stage in Broadway. She met a nisei sculptor Isamu Noguchi during her stay in the US.
Li Xianglan - Shanghai Song
Li Xianglan, better known as Yoshiko Yamaguchi, was born in 1920 in Manchuria, China. Her parents moved there after the First Sino-Japanese War, which allowed Japanese occupation in Manchuria. Yoshiko’s family had strong ties to General Li Jichun and politician Pan Yugui; they became “godfather” figures who gave Yoshiko the Chinese names ...
Caught Between China & Japan: Superstar Li Xianglan - What's …
2014年9月14日 · Li Xianglan (李香兰) aka Yamaguchi Yoshiko passed away at the age of 94. A rising star during the Sino-Japanese War, she was loved by those who believed she was Chinese and later hated for being Japanese.
Japanese singer-actress Li Xianglan dies of heart attack at 94
2014年9月14日 · China-born Japanese actress and singer Yoshiko "Shirley" Yamaguchi, who was known under her stage name Li Xianglan, has died at the age of 94 after a life as dramatic as any of her films.
The Japan Society - My Life as Li Xianglan
Over the years in China, Japan, and America, she had five names with different identities. She suffered from emotional conflicts, according to this memoir, particularly as Li Xianglan, the Chinese star, which hid her true identity as a Japanese. As she rose toward stardom, Yamaguchi seemed unaware of the complicated political situation around her.
Li Xianglan Discography: Vinyl, CDs, & More | Discogs
Japanese singer, actress and politician. Born February 12, 1920 in Manchuria. Originally active in the pre-war period in China and Manchuria under the name Li Hsiang Lan (李香蘭, pronounced Lǐ Xiānglán in Mandarin and Ri Kōran in Japanese), she was thought by many to be Chinese.
Five songs to remember the late Shanghai pop diva Li Xianglan
2014年9月15日 · Li Xianglan was one of the great pop divas of 1940s Shanghai, alongside Zhou Xuan and Yao Li. Read more at straitstimes.com.
Li Xianglan Lyrics, Songs, and Albums - Genius
One of Shanghai’s great pop singers of the 1940s, Li Xianglan (1920-2014) was born as Yoshiko Yamaguchi to Japanese parents in northern China, and was supposedly given her Chinese name as a ...
The History of Yamaguchi Yoshiko 山口淑子 also known as Li Xiang Lan …
She would later learn that Yamaga was involved in the founding of Fengtian Broadcasting Station and was well-aware of how Yoshiko had been singing "New Melodies from Manchuria" under the name Li Xianglan for several years now.
亚洲Lily Pons 李香兰(山口淑子)的灵动花腔女高音 演唱 我的夜 …
亚洲Lily Pons 李香兰(山口淑子)的灵动花腔女高音 演唱 我的夜莺 波斯鸟共计2条视频,包括:Мой Соловей_私の鶯 'My Nightingale'_(Russian Version)-李香蘭_山口淑子(Lee Xianglan.Yoshi、Persian Bird(Перская птица)(ペルシャの鳥) sang by 李香蘭(Lee Xianglan.Yoshiko ...
Song: 李香蘭 {Li Xianglan} written by Zhou Li Mao
The song 李香蘭 was written by Zhou Li Mao, Kōji Tamaki and Gorō Matsui and was first released by Jacky Cheung in 1990. It was adapted from 行かないで (Zhou Li Mao, Kōji Tamaki and Gorō Matsui). It was covered by Kwan Suk 'E.
The History of Yamaguchi Yoshiko 山口淑子 also known as Li Xiang Lan …
But that's not all you get, there are links to all the "Seven Great Singing Stars" of China (great for listening to Li Xianglan's contemporaries). And then there's also a great summary of how Chinese music was brought into the 20th century by several famous music-composers.
「日滿親善」策略下李香蘭的崛起 - airitilibrary.com
It's studied in this paper that Japanese attempted to occupy Chinese movies assets and the process of sharping of benchmark of movie star Lee Xiang-Lan into five parts, "collaborative projects between Japan and China by Union Film Company", indoctrination task by Movie National Policy", "National Policy Movie by Manchurian Film ...