K7 Color CMOS Microscope Camera | Products | Leica Microsystems
Capture stunning fluorescence and color images with the advanced K7 CMOS camera, maximizing flexibility and productivity. Increase the power of your microscope by acquiring more data in less time with faster scan speeds and imaging dynamic events with …
K7 彩色CMOS显微镜摄像头 | 产品 | 徕卡显微系统
k7 彩色cmos显微镜摄像头 让k7为您助力:提高灵活性、工作效率、速度,获得令人惊叹的图像!
K7 彩色CMOS显微镜摄像头 | 上海新振仪器设备有限公司
让k7为您助力:提高灵活性、工作效率、速度,获得令人惊叹的图像! 使用先进的k7 cmos摄像头采集令人惊叹的荧光和彩色图像,最大限度提高灵活性和工作效率。
彩色CMOS显微镜摄像头K7 用于快速完成组织与活细胞的彩色和荧光成像 用DAPI、WGA-AlexaFluor488 和鬼笔环肽-AlexaFluor568 染色的肾脏切片。 用马洛里三色染色法染色的猫肾脏
Leica K7 彩色CMOS 影像擷取系統 - 聖川實業有限公司
Leica K7 讓K7為您助力:提高靈活性、工作效率、速度,獲得令人驚嘆的圖像!使用先進的K7 CMOS影像擷取系統採集令人驚嘆的螢光和彩色圖像,最大限度提高靈活性和工作效率。
Capture stunning fluorescence and color images with the advanced K7 CMOS camera, maximizing flexibility and productivity. Increase the power of your microscope by acquiring more data in less time with faster scan speeds and imaging dynamic events with …
医疗 | 学习与分享 | 徕卡显微系统 - leica-microsystems.com.cn
探索专为神经外科、眼科、整形外科、耳鼻喉科和牙科 HCP 量身定制的科学和临床综合资源,包括行业洞见、临床案例研究和专题研讨会。重点突出手术显微镜的最新进展,让您了解AR荧光、三维可视化和术中OCT成像等尖端技术如何赋能复杂手术决策的信心和精准操作。
K7 Color CMOS Microscope Camera - SelectScience
Capture stunning fluorescence and color images with the advanced K7 CMOS camera, maximizing flexibility and productivity. Increase the power of your microscope by acquiring more data in less time with faster scan speeds and imaging dynamic events with …
K7 Color CMOS Microscope Camera - Downloads - Leica …
2025年3月14日 · Colour CMOS Microscope Camera for a wide variety of microscopy applications from scanning H&E stained tissue sections, through documentation of fluorescent samples.
Science Lab | Leica Microsystems
2023年12月14日 · Welcome to the knowledge portal of Leica Microsystems. You will find scientific research and teaching material on the subject of microscopy. The portal supports beginners, experienced practitioners and scientists alike in their everyday work and experiments. Explore interactive tutorials and application notes, discover the basics of microscopy as well as high-end technologies. Become part of ...