Leica Lenses
Due to their outstanding optical performance, the quality of Leica lenses is legendary and held in high esteem by the best photographers worldwide. Fully unlock your creative potential and …
Leica Camera | Premium Cameras, Lenses & Accessories
Explore the world of Leica. Browse our wide range of products from rangefinders to compact cameras, accessories, and lenses.
A Complete Guide to Leica M Lenses - PetaPixel
2023年1月9日 · While some of Leica’s latest camera bodies like the M11 have gathered praise, the lenses have set the industry gold standard. This article is a complete guide to Leica M lenses, from...
Leica Camera Wetzlar – Official | International
Global manufacturer of high-end cameras and lenses, observation, and fine mechanical instruments and high-tech devices of the best standards in imaging quality.
List of Leica lenses - Wikipedia
Noct, Lux and Cron are commonly used as short forms for Noctilux, Summilux and Summicron, respectively. For example, 50 Cron uniquely identifies the Summicron-M 50 mm f/2 construction, although the exact version is not specified. Many Leica M lenses went through several revisions through the years. Super- Elmar -S 1:3.5/24 mm ASPH.
9 Best Leica Lenses in 2024 (M & L-Mount Lenses)
2024年10月21日 · Our guide to the 9 best Leica lenses, including M-mount and L-mount lenses. The article showcases the best Leica lenses that cater to different needs and preferences, ensuring you find the perfect lens for your Leica camera. From wide-angle to telephoto, there’s a Leica lens to match your style.
徕卡M旁轴系列 | 徕卡相机中国官方网站 - Leica Camera
徕卡M系统被称为是轻巧的全画幅相机系统。 为此,我们设计的高速和轻巧的镜头,不仅选用了更好的镜片,也强化了M系统的优势。 它们被用做标准镜头或旅行时的装备。 独特的图像质量,即使在 全光圈下,也能保证更高水准的画质。 ELMARIT-M 2 8mm f/ 2.8 ASPH. 街拍镜头中的新经典 。 SUMMICRON-M 3 5mm f/ 2 ASPH. 定焦镜头中的新经典。 SUPER-ELMAR-M 1 8mm f/ 3.8 ASPH. 划时代的超广角镜头。 SUPER-ELMAR-M 2 3.4 ASPH. 超广角摄影的新境界。 高性能 …
Compare Leica Lenses – Leica Lens List | Specs, Reviews
Compare Leica M lenses and third-party alternatives. Find detailed specifications, user reviews, and the best prices for your next Leica lens.
The definitive Leica lens buying guide - Red Dot Camera
Leica lenses are all about trade offs between 3 aspects: Speed, price and size. The mainline lens that has a great balance of all aspect is the Summicron line. Considering that the 35mm focal length is the perfect balance for all genres of photography, the best Leica lens for all intent and purposes is the Leica Summicron 35mm f/2.
Leica M-Lenses | Leica Camera AG
Leica M-Lenses are developed for digital and film photography with the aim of meeting the highest quality standards. They are available in focal lengths from 16mm to 135mm and speeds of f/0.95. Their excellent sharpness, crisp contrasts and neutral color rendition are just as reliable as their unique compatibility: every Leica M-Lens can be ...