Leica M10-D Overview - Digital Photography Review
2018年10月24日 · The Leica M10-D is a rangefinder camera that has much in common with its sibling, the M10-P, but lacks an LCD and has a thumb rest styled as a film advance lever. If users want to change anything other than the shutter speed, aperture or exposure compensation, they'll need to do so via the Leica FOTOS app.
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Leica M10-D - The Essence of Photography? - By Marc Wick
2021年6月8日 · In October 2018, the successor of the M-D was presented, the Leica M10-D. The concept was the same, a digital camera without a screen, but it was full of new gadgets and it had the sensor of the M10. The Leica M10-D looks like a M10-P with two rotating dials on the back for exposure compensation and a wind-on-lever which looks so damned cool.
徕卡 M10-D | 徕卡相机官方网站 - Leica Camera
徕卡 m10-d是第一款采用机械控制元件进行曝光补偿的数码m系列相机。 相机的背面不是显示屏,而是一个用于曝光补偿的机械拨盘,不禁让人回想起胶片摄影时代。
Leica M10-D - Wikipedia
The Leica M10-D is a digital rangefinder camera released by Leica Camera on 24 October 2018. The M10-D succeeds the Leica M-D (Typ 262) in the Leica no-LCD screen line of digital cameras. Otherwise the M10-D is similar to the Leica M10. In comparison with the M10, instead of the rear screen, the back contains an exposure compensation dial in
Leica M10-D Review - Photography Blog
2019年1月10日 · The Leica M10-D is the latest variant of Leica’s top-of-the-line digital rangefinder camera. Using the M10-P as a basis, it features the same full-frame 24 megapixel sensor and Maestro II processor, as well as the “quiet” shutter of the M10-P camera.
A Pro Photographer's Review of the Leica M10-D - PetaPixel
2019年3月4日 · Could you and would you shoot with a digital camera without an LCD screen that costs and arm and a leg? I spent two days in Singapore wandering the streets with the Leica M10-D and here are my...
Leica M10-D 。半年結。Less is More。數碼底片魂 - Medium
2019年12月13日 · 入手Leica M10-D, 多半是因為認同 “Less is More” 的理念,筆者想要一台簡單一點的數碼底片機。 對筆者來說使用Leica M 數碼相機,其實最主要的賣點就是那旁軸對焦式的操作方式,只需簡單調整ISO 、光圈、快門 按下快門就可以拍攝眼中所見。 Leica 可能是市場上唯一一間可以有這個膽量去製造一些極其小眾的高檔次相機。 M10-D 可以算是在 “軟硬層面”...
Leica M10-D Review - PCMag
2018年10月24日 · Leica continues its LCD-free rangefinder camera series with the M10-D, which adds a faux film advance lever to completely sell its retro look.
In the Field: Leica M10-D Rangefinder Camera | B&H eXplora
The M10-D is a prime example of this—it is one of the most technically hamstrung cameras available today, but still, by far, one of the most alluring. It’s a controversial camera, receiving either the highest praise from those who “get it” or total disregard from those who favor the many more versatile options out there.
Used Leica M10-D - MPB
The Leica M10-D is Leica's take on an straightforward shooting experience along with the imaging capabilities of their flagship M10-series camera. By omitting features such as well as a rear LCD screen, the M10-D's simplicity is its core attribute, and affords unencumbered access to the four basic elements of photography: shutter speed ...