Leica M12 -- your next camera? - Leica M11 - Leica Forum
2022年1月13日 · Following a great example of @Al Brown, let's start a thread for the next one right away. The starting topic will be this: M11 is a pretty radical departure from M10, which is a peak evolution of the full-frame digital M that started with M9.
Leica M12 -- your next camera? - Page 2 - Leica Forum
2022年1月13日 · M12 medium format , a whopping 120 mpx true to size 6x7 sensor new mount with no autofocus at all manual focus lenses only rangefinder only pretty much a Mamiya 7 style with Leica quality built and functionality
M12 wishlist - Page 9 - Leica M11 - Leica Forum
2024年4月5日 · I would love to have the M10-P revisited with a better sensor, still around the 24-36 mp mark which I know is the sweet-spot for sensors, and maybe even with the M11's battery / base that seems to have been almost a universal positive move.....but instead Leica is intent it seems on trying to pack 10 pounds of electronic shit into a 4 pound bag ...
M12 - Pflichtenheft...was muss sie haben - Leica Forum
2022年1月16日 · Umständehalber bin ich Leica untreu geworden und bei einer Sony Alpha 7 4R gelandet, warum, habe ich im Umfrage-Thread (Beitrag Nr. 116) beschrieben. Das soll aber keineswegs heißen, dass ich nicht doch irgendwann, z.B. bei einer M12 wieder bei Leica lande. Edited January 17, 2022 by Karl Heinz Marschner
Eternal dilemma: body or lens upgrade? - Page 2 - Leica M11
2024年10月8日 · The M12 will be a leap into the dark with a new product potentially with a brand new set of rough edges and maybe some of the original ones for good luck! My guess is that not many viewers of your images will notice the difference between the …
A Future M Nomenclature - Leica M10 - Leica Forum
2025年1月22日 · So it's a nominal M12 in waiting, but it only becomes an official M12 after all the problems are dealt with? After which it could be the M12.2, assuming Leica only need two more goes at fixing it. So no inscribed designation is needed, just a serial number, everything else about it's sorry history is in the firmware.
EVF M rumoured - Page 13 - Leica M11 - Leica Forum
2025年3月5日 · Between now and the probable release of Leica M12 in spring 2027 there would be time to test it. There are for sure some emotional barriers, just like when it was discussed putting a digital sensor inside a Leica M, which had always been a film camera.
A sneak peek at the M12 - Technology & Industry - Leica Forum
2022年1月14日 · Seems to be an early alpha version. Most of the details are still in the dark or blurry (by intention). Interesting to see that the exposure meter gets a new retro design. Stay tuned. Welcome, dear visitor! As registered member you'd see an image here… Simply register for free here – We are alway...
EVF M rumoured - Leica M11 - Leica Forum
2025年2月8日 · I could imagine that Leica would launch a test balloon with such a variant of the M11. Its success or failure could then determine the final design of the M12 (or the decision to have two different models). The question is how much "M" would still be in such an M-EVF.
M11-P vs M10-R [Deals Chances] - Page 2 - Leica M11 - Leica Forum
2024年11月20日 · I’ve seen quite a few of us write this, wait for the M12 it will be better. However many of these cameras have taken a substantial time to reach firmware maturity and stability (and this isn’t exclusive to Leica) so there’s every likelihood you’d be waiting until the M12 has been out for two years! So that’s probably four years away.