Leica M4-2: First Impressions - Photo.net
2021年2月10日 · BTW, the RF condenser, which helps prevent RF parch flair-out, was removed from the rangefinder about half-way into the M4-2 run; from that point forward Leica built …
using a 28mm with an M4 - Leica and Rangefinders - Photo.net
2003年11月13日 · Using the full finder on an M4 or the 28 framelines in any M that has them all have the same problem: the foreground/background relationship is nothing like a 28mm lens …
M4-P Viewfinder Upgrade - Leica and Rangefinders - Photo.net
2004年12月20日 · Stephen's is an oldie like mine and ours don't seem to flare that bad. The removal of the condenser lens was done midway through the M4-2 run, my early-prod. M4-P …
Leica M4-p V.S. M4-2 - Leica and Rangefinders - Photo.net
2002年8月1日 · The M4-2 has an M2/M4-style 90mm frame - an 8-section box that defines the corners much more definitely (if not accurately). Third, the M4-2 35mm frame covers a slightly …
Difference between M4-2 and M4-p? - Leica and Rangefinders
2005年8月28日 · Only the very last M4-P cameras had a zinc top, which continued into the M6 run. There were about 1,000 M4-Ps made in Wetzlar, Germany along side the first M6 …
Leica M4 to Leica M3 lever conversion. - Photo.net
2009年2月15日 · It's a Leica M4, and should look like one. If it was a beater body, I might think differently, but this camera, (according to the eBay photos), is in almost perfect condition. </p> …
Leica M3 vs M4 - Leica and Rangefinders - Photo.net
2003年7月27日 · Not true. All M4's have paired framelines only for 35/135. No M4's have framelines for 28 or 75 unless they were installed afterwards. If you are referring to the M4-P, …
M4-2 reviews? - Leica and Rangefinders - Photo.net
2006年6月29日 · at Leica and ushered in the period of construction where parts are supposed to fit right . away and the camera can be more easily assembled. The M4-P, M6, M6TTL, M7 and …
Leica M4-2 - black sheep or not - Photo.net
2005年1月26日 · M4-2 is the only camera that has the uncluttered viewfinder of the M4 and will take a TA rapidwinder. I rather dislike the M6's (and later) cornerless 90mm frameline …
This is confusing: Choosing M4 vs M6 - Leica and Rangefinders
2003年12月5日 · My first Leica was an M4. And as long as that was my only body, it got rather a lot of . use. But I later got an M6 and found the meter to be very convenient and a bit . quicker …