Leica MD-2 | Camerapedia - Fandom
The Leica MD-2 was a camera for use with Leica M-mount lenses. It was one of the finderless 35mm film Leicas which were concepted for scientific photography. The Leica M electric film winder was mountable. Usually these cameras were used with microscope adapters.
My Adventure with a Leica MD-2 — one:eight photography
2017年12月28日 · I have a good friend that has worked in the medical field for a long time. He had a few cameras sitting around his shop and he said I could have them. Two were Leicas. One was a Leica MDa and the other was a Leica MD-2. The cameras were used by medical facilities and connected to microscopes and other imaging gadgets.
Leica MD-2 - Throwback Thursday - Leica Boutique Bergen County
2019年10月12日 · Our MD-2 body just came back from service, is in Exc+ condition, and is available for the low-low price of $599.99. We’re showing it with the outstanding Leica 16-18-21mm Wide-Angle Tri-Elmar, also known as the Leica WATE, and it’s multifocal finder, also known as the Frankenfinder.
leica MD-2 - i50mm
2022年4月15日 · 徕卡md-2是科研系列里的一员,机身是m4-2,去掉了取景器、采光窗、黄斑窗。 与M4-2不同的是,MD-2大部分都在德国产。 现在的人用MD系列接广角头用,因为本来徕卡M系列机身也没有自带24mm、21mm等超广角的取景器。
可以当作画板的徕卡相机 leica md-2 - i50mm
2022年4月15日 · leica md-2 价格 目前几乎是最便宜的徕卡m机身来,基本在4000左右晃荡。 如果使用 超级安古龙21mm 镜头、或者其他广角镜头盲拍,这个机器还是不错的选择哦。
MD-2 - Leica Wiki (English)
Leica MD-2: 1986: 200 Total: assigned: serial numbers: 1980-1986: 1800** . * Serial numbers and batch total from Gandy's List ** Serial numbers from Serial Numbers Leica Cameras with computed batch total. Unmarked SN's match between both lists and Gandy's batch total was used without recalculation.
徕卡MD-2 Leica MD-2 – 毒镜头 - dujingtou.com
MD-2是基于M4-2主体的MDa的延续。与其前身一样,MD-2也没有取景器,专为Visoflex反射镜外壳和技术用途而设计。仅在黑色表面上可用。 徕卡MD-2机身。 该示例已由Mayo诊所使用。 目前无法提供生产数据
Leica MD2, 15mm f4.5 - Broken Camera . Club
2017年3月17日 · The Leica MD-2 was produced from 1980 to 1986. The MD-2 was intended for use with the Visoflex or attached to a microscope or other instrument. The MD-2 lacks a viewfinder. Also, omitted was a self-timer but it does provide for a motor attachment. The MD-2 may have been intended for industrial use but my example looks like it spent life ...
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The Leica MD-2. The Leica MD-2 camera, same body shape as current M4-2. Built from 1981 to 1987 in 2593 issues from which 951 were made by Leitz Canada. Catalog number 10105. The camera features an angled rewind crank; built in automatic resetting film counter and shutter speeds located on a dial on the camera top plate.
Pacific Rim Camera Photographica Pages
Leica MD-2 The MD-2 is a continuation of the MDa, based upon the M4-2 body. Like it's predecessor, the MD-2 has no viewfinder, and was designed for Visoflex reflex housing and technical uses.
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