LEICA R3 EXPERIENCE - Leica and Rangefinders - Photo.net
2004年2月17日 · The R3 is an OUTSTANDING SLR, as is the essentially similar Minolta XE-7). Basically, the R3 is an XE-7 that takes Leica R-mount lenses, and you simply cannot do much better than that in all of SLR-dom. Metering is basic center-weighted manual or …
Leica R3 automatic exposure problem (electronics)
2010年1月4日 · <p>Dear all,<br /> <br /> I just got a Leica R3 Mot Electronic for very little money and I really like this old beauty. It is cosmetically almost perfect. The only small problem is that the automatic exposure is randomly not working. The meter is …
Leica R3 - Leica and Rangefinders - Photo.net
2002年3月26日 · 75% Minolta (the 25% Leica includes the selective metering option, the lensmount, mirror box assembly and outer body casing plus a few . other things). But that's not entirely bad. Minolta made a very . reliable camera and in fact the most un-reliable parts of the R3 (and . R4-7)are 100% Leica: the electronics and stopdown/DOF meechanism.
using other lenses to fit my Leica R3 - Photo.net
2014年6月15日 · This may apply to the original Leicaflex, but an R3 will definitely work with Tamron Adaptall II, because I've got a bagful of them. R4 also works, R8 doesn't, not sure about intervening models.</p> thomas_k.
Leica R3 and Minolta XE-7 - Leica and Rangefinders - Photo.net
2007年4月22日 · Evidently, it help to prevent underexposure of the foreground when there was a lot skylight in the scene. Ivor Matanle claimed that it worked quite well? I have never used it but would be interested in user evaluations. Sorry to stray from Leica. I gather that the R3 and XE-7 commonality derived from a joint leica-minolta venture.
I am Confused. Is Leica 3-cam same as 3rd cam R only?
2005年9月7日 · 3rd cam, thin square metal tab with notch, binds to the R3-R9 series Leica R meters. Lenses can have 1, 2, 3 cams in any combination. This is because Leica offered to add cams if needed, to make all lenses work with all bodies. If the lens is "3 cam" it has all three. If it is "3rd cam" it has only a third cam and is meant to bind only to R3-R9 ...
Leica R3 meter and shutter - Leica and Rangefinders - Photo.net
2006年4月3日 · Hi, I've recently come across a couple R3 and R3mot bodies with some . lenses. I've never owned or operated a Leica before so that will . tell you how much knowledge I have of Leicas. I work at a small . camera shop and rarely do we come across Leica gear. I do have alot . experience with older manual Canon, Nikon, Minolta, Pentax, etc, SLR
Tamron Adaptall adapter for Leica R3? - Photo.net
2022年8月17日 · The AE on Leica R3 requires the "3-CAM" to work, but that feature is rarely if ever mentioned. On the other hand, quite a number of sellers states "fits Leica R4" or "fits Leica R-4 to R-7" - These models utilise 3-Cam and the omission of R3 makes me wonder if there is a compatibility issue with the adapter in combination with Leica R3?
Leica R3 shutter - Leica and Rangefinders - Photo.net
2019年9月11日 · I have several Minolta XE-7's so when a "broken" Leica R3 came up on Ebay, I thought I would buy it as a stable mate. It arrived today and as the seller said the mirror was in the up position. I change the batteries and fired the shutter and the mirror stayed up. Releasing the battery holder had ...
Leica R3 vs Leica CL - Leica and Rangefinders - Photo.net
2010年8月26日 · <p>I don't know why anyone would call a Leica R3 hard/impossible to repair. A couple of years ago I got mesmerised by the idea of buying mint Leicas dirt cheap and bought 3 R3s, each formerly enthusiast-owned, mint but unused for some time, with a standard lens (2 Summicrons and 1 Summilux) for £125 to £150 each (they seem to be more expensive now).