R4s Defekt Belichtungszeiten/-messer - Leica Forum
2024年6月6日 · Die R4s Modelle sind nicht die besten Leica R Modelle in Bezug auf Sorglosigkeit. Wenn eine Reparatur nötig sein sollte, lass es. In einer Werkstatt wird es schnell deutlich teurer als die Kamera war oder guter Ersatz. War es die mit 11 am Ende der Seriennummer für 141 Euro ersteigert? Edited June 7, 2024 by R-ler
Question about Leica R4s exposure meter
2009年11月18日 · Create an account or sign in to comment. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment
RE shutter release delay - Leica R System - Leica Forum
2017年10月6日 · The Leica R4s has a tested delay of 160ms. (photo Revue 1985) For comparison : Minolta X 300: 90ms. Pentax Super A 150ms. Contax MA 110ms. Canon Al1 80ms. Nikon FE2 60ms. Canon T50 170ms. Ricoh XR P 370ms The shutter should release to the ear immediately , If you notice a delay, than it´s a sticky damper.
wer hat Bedienungsanleitung für Leica R4s ?? - Leica Sammler ...
2007年2月24日 · wer hat eine Bedienungsanleitung, am besten als PDF, für Leica R4s ??? irgendwie scheint mir bei der Stellung auf Automatik die Fixierung des Spot-Belichtungsmessers nicht zu funktionieren
"Leica R4s Model P" & Data Back Issue - Leica R System - Leica …
2014年8月13日 · This is Kinda' a strange one for me and I hope someone has the answer to this: I recently purchased a DB Leica R4 Data Back. Do not care if the dates were wrong, just needed some coding. Works fine, BUT !! When I use the Data Back on the camera the frame counter does not move from the start posit...
Leica R3 and R4 Battery type? - Leica R System - Leica Forum
2016年7月21日 · Dear Forum members I have recently read about the batteries used in the older Cameras, not particularly Leica, and there it was mentioned that the old Batteries were Mercury/Silver based (or so) and that they maintained their voltage level until they stopped working, basically. This such that the...
Suggestions for cheap alternative Lenses for R4? - Leica Forum
2014年10月1日 · There's not a lot you cannot tackle with a 50mm Summicron R, a set of Leica R extension tubes or a couple of Elpro c/u lenses - and a Leica R 2x Extender. A MK I triple cam 50/2 R can be bought in the UK for less than £250 - sometimes a lot less - and is unlikely to depreciate much - in fact it will probably appreciate in value if chosen ...
R4s film wind lever sticking? - Leica R System - Leica Forum
2017年12月8日 · I just picked up an R4s that seems to function very well, other than a light leak around the film window. But the film advance lever doesn't spring back after winding. All my other film cameras (non-Leica) this lever is spring loaded and pops back when winding film.
Problems of the Leica R4 - Leica R System - Leica Forum
2022年10月11日 · If you really lust for a Leica M and thought a Leica R was an economical shortcut into the eco system, you are in for disappointment. The Leicaflex and Summicron combo is genetically truly Leica. Lovely camera and lens. You will experience a camera from Leica's golden age, but I am not sure if it can replace your more modern Nikons.
Which Leica R to choose? Which one is the best?
2010年8月3日 · Pfff, now it looks much harder to choose one:) I guess every Leica camera is an extraordinary camera. I love how my Leica R4 and R5 performs, I own a couple of Elmarit-R lenses, all of them the first versions. I much prefer fully mechanical cameras that´s why I wanted R6.2 but the prices I´ve found were much more than I can afford.