蕾拉Leira | 龙与地下城 Wiki | Fandom
蕾拉Leira(读作“LAlR-uh”),迷雾女士the Lady of the Mists,她是欺骗与幻觉女神,也是幻术师和骗子的守护神。 她少有世俗信徒,毕竟除了幻术师,罕有人能从误解与欺骗中获益;不 …
Leira - Forgotten Realms Wiki | Fandom
Leira is the Goddess of Deception, this wouldn’t be the first time she obscured her whereabouts from us, simply to prove her power to hide outstrips our ability and patience to seek. — …
Leira (FA) | Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
Leira (LAlR-uh), the Lady of the Mists, was the goddess of deception and illusion and the patroness of illusionists and liars.
Leiran - Gigantic Wiki | Fandom
Leiran is the Guardian of House Aurion, and has been a symbol of justice and piety to Aurion’s followers for as long as anyone can remember. It is rumored that she was discovered atop the …
Leira Character in The Forgotten Realms - World Anvil
2021年11月13日 · Leira, also known as The Lady of Deception or The Lady of the Mists, was the goddess of deception and illusions and patroness of illusionists and liars. She was an enigma, …
Leiran | A Wheel of Time Wiki | Fandom
Leiran is an Aiel of the Cosaida sept of the Chareen clan. He is handsome, with a puckered white scar that runs under a black cloth which covers a missing eye. Leiran is a Thunder Walker and …
Leiran - Official Gigantic Wiki
Leiran is the guardian of House Aurion. She resembles the prototypical Griffin, with the body of a lion and the wings and talons of an eagle. Leiran is capable of flight using her large wings to …
Leira (deity) - Spelljammer Wiki | Fandom
Leira, the Lady of the Mists, is a goddess of illusion and deception from the Faerûnian pantheon in the crystal sphere known as Realmspace. Long thought to have been murdered by Cyric, the …
Leiran Wang - Google 学术搜索 - Google Scholar
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Leiran Gibson - ArtStation
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