Lekotek of Georgia - Making a Difference for Children with …
Lekotek's mission is to facilitate the inclusion of children with disabilities into their families, schools and communities by providing accessible play, adapted toys, technology, information and resources. Our vision is a world where children with disabilities are …
Lekotek - Wikipedia
Lekotek is an international program to lend Assistive Technology, toys and expertise to disabled children. The first lekotek opened in 1963 in Stockholm, Sweden. From there the concept spread to other Scandinavian countries, Europe and the rest of the world. For example, there are over 50 lekoteks in the United States.
Lekotek of Georgia - About Us
Lekotek's mission is to facilitate the inclusion of children with disabilities into their families, schools and communities by providing accessible play, adapted toys, technology, information and resources. Our vision is a world where children with disabilities are …
Lekotek Center | Lurie Children's
Lurie Children's Lekotek Center, called Jackie's Toy Chest, is run by certified child life specialists who have additional training as Lekotek leaders. They work in conjunction with rehabilitative therapies to use play to bring families of children with special needs together.
Lekotek of Georgia - Run
2024年8月24日 · Lekotek's mission is to facilitate the inclusion of children with disabilities into their families, schools and communities by providing accessible play, adapted toys, technology, information and resources. Our vision is a world where children with disabilities are included and empowered through play.
National Lekotek Center - pgpedia.com
The National Lekotek Center is the nonprofit central support organization for local Lekotek Centers. They provide information and support in establishing and developing new centers, including staff trainings and certifications. 2 They also contribute to the local centers’ toy libraries by distributing toys donated nationally by toy companies.
Lekotek of Georgia - LinkedIn
Making a difference for children with disabilities for more than 40 years! Lekotek of Georgia facilitates the inclusion of children with disabilities into their families, schools and communities...
National Lekotek Center: Helping children with special needs …
The National Lekotek Center helps families raising a child or children with special needs learn fun, creative, and healthy ways to play together. Lekotek makes toy play and computer play accessible to children with all types of disabilities.
Lekotek of Georgia, Inc. - GuideStar Profile
Lekotek of Georgia's mission is to facilitate the inclusion of children with disabilities into their families, schools, and communities by providing accessible play, adapted toys, technology, information and resources.
Services to the Toy Industry - Lekotek
After 33 years of providing direct services to children with disabilities and their families, the National Lekotek Center has developed extensive expe...