75 gallon all male peacock stocking advice - Cichlid Fish Forum
2021年6月20日 · Jacobfreibergi such as lemon jake can be aggressive, so you may want to either choose other aggressive haps and peacocks (one jake/tank) or skip the jakes. Lwanda and Eureka are also jakes. Strawberry and the OB are hybrids so same advice as for the jakes. The sulphur head is timid and may not color in an all male tank.
Red Top Lwanda or Lemon Jake? | Cichlid Fish Forum
2013年9月14日 · I am working on finalizing my stock list for my new 150 gal Hap/Peacock tank, and I am trying to decide between the Lwanda or the Lemon Jake. I was going to do Usisya Flavescent, but some of the site sponsors advised me that I would be better off with the Lwanda or Lemon Jake with the Haps that I am going to be stocking.
Lemon Jake or Sunshine???? | Cichlid Fish Forum
2012年10月28日 · Pretty sure it wasn't hormoned, the above cichlid was bought when he was 1" , in this pic it's at 3", and I bought 5 cichlids, 3 I know what they are, but the two I can't identify are the lemon jake and sunshine peacock.
Question about new cichlid tank stock | Cichlid Fish Forum
2023年8月14日 · Too aggressive: Apache Peacock, Lemon Jake Peacock, Albino Firefish, Eureka Red Jake Too large, need a 72" tank: Taiwan Reef Cichlid Good choice: Benga Yellow Peacock, Blue Neon Undu Flavescent, Lupingu Ivory Mloto Too timid to color reliably in all male: Lethrinops Intermedius, Sulfur Head Peacock
New to Cichlids - Cichlid Fish Forum
2024年2月12日 · 1) Eureka Red and Lemon Jake are both variations of Aulonocara Jacobfriebergi. 2) Dragon Blood. You have the normal and the blue morph 3) You have a Maleri Yellow and Aulonocara sp. Yellow. Two fish that look a lot alike are likely to not get along. **The OB is a hybrid and they tend to be more aggressive.
Peacock/Hap Tank - Future Problem? | Cichlid Fish Forum
2014年8月6日 · Dragon Blood Peacock Lemon Jake Peacock Electric Blue Hap Pheno, one day he will be amazing A. Rubensce Peacock being camera shy Taiwan Reef Juvi Male Venustus 4 inches Ivory Head Mloto (I think, need help w this one!) (Sold to me as Blue Neon Peacock) Sulfur Head Hap Male (Egg Spots, Big, But not much color yet) (I have been told they take a ...
Peacock i.d. - Cichlid Fish Forum
2024年3月4日 · I don’t think he looks like a hybrid but it may be hard to ID a collection point until he colors up more. I’m 99.9% certain he isn’t a Lemon Jake or Mamelela which is the Aulonocara Jacobfreibergi variant from Undu reef. I’ll attach a photo of my male below.
Thoughts on an all-male peacock tank | Cichlid Fish Forum
2024年10月3日 · Lwanda (I think this is in the jake group) Bi-color 500 Benga Sunshine Azureus OR Blue Peacock (A. nyassae) Turkis Dragonblood So I've avoided most jakes, even though that disappoints me as I love the color patterns and flowy fins. I can't wrap my head around an OB and the only reason I'd put one in there is for more color diversity.
Community Tank Stocking List | Cichlid Fish Forum
2017年3月13日 · Orange Cap Manzinzi, Lemon Jake, Lwanda Red Top & Otopharynx Tetrastigma. The largest native tank mates are - Red Empress 4", Astro Yellow Blaze 3.5" Dragon Blood 4" and Fireline Mloto 3.5 Community: 1) Aristo Yellow Blaze 2) Super Red Empress 3) Copadichromis azureus 4) Yellow Lab 5) Orange Cap Manzinzi 6) Copadichromis sp. Fireline …
Lemon jake? Baenchi hyrbid? - Cichlid Fish Forum
2023年4月22日 · A forum community dedicated to Cichlid Fish owners and enthusiasts. Come join the discussion about breeding, health, behavior, housing, adopting, care, classifieds, and more! Show Less