Leopard 2 - Wikipedia
The new Leopard 2 PSO (Peace Support Operations) variant is designed especially for urban warfare, which had been encountered in peacekeeping operations with increasing frequency. The Leopard 2 PSO is equipped with more effective all-around protection, a secondary weapons station, improved reconnaissance ability, an obstacle clearance blade ...
Army Guide
With the LEOPARD 2 PSO (Peace Support Operations), KMW have changed all that, and adapted the battle tank to the demands of the 21st century. KMW have developed this version of the LEOPARD 2 specifically for deployment in built-up areas, so-called MOUT (Military Operations in Urban Terrain) – a scenario that is becoming increasingly ...
Leopard 2 PSO - War Thunder Wiki
The Leopard 2 PSO, with PSO standing for "Peace Support Operations", was KMW's proactive development of the Bundeswehr's requirements for a tank that needed to be adapted for urban warfare peacekeeping operations.
Leopard 2A7 Main Battle Tank - FightingVehicles.com
The Leopard 2A7 tank is an upgrade package developed by the vehicles original manufacturer, Krauss-Maffei Wegmann (KMW) for existing Leopard 2 tanks in the German Army. The A7 has since been purchased as an upgrade for other nations Leopard 2 …
豹2 PSO-VT才有车体附加装甲+推土铲的选项,PSO-VT后来砍掉侧面摄像头变成豹2A7+Duel样车。 豹2 PSO原本就没有车体正面附加装甲,描述是‘降低’的正面防护水平。
豹2型戰車 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
豹2 pso(和平支援行動)型號是專門為維和行動中越來越頻繁的城鎮戰設計的。 豹2 PSO具有更好的全方位防護,配備了 遙控武器系統 、改進的偵察設備、推土鏟、短砲管(犧牲射程以在城市街道上機動)、低致命武器、近距離監視攝像系統、探照燈等裝備,以 ...
Leopard 2 PSO : Germany (DEU) - Armedconflicts.com
According to the Dutch Defensie Forum, it is said to be a Leopard 2A7 tank. From their ranks, it is expected to convert several pieces to a version of the PSO, according to the requirements of the army, deployed in peacekeeping missions. It can be deduced from this that the PSO version is not intended for use in Germany.
Main Battle Tank - Leopard 2
2010年11月24日 · The new Leopard 2A7+, presented by KMW on July 14, 2010 as a new generation of one of the most successful main battle tank designs in history, incorporates a modular protection kit, increased mobility, improved sustainability, enhanced reconnaissance abilities and an even more precise deployment of its various weapons.
Leopard 2 PSO - Defense Update
2006年7月26日 · Leopard Peace Support Operations (PSO) is a demonstrator vehicle, developed by Krauss Maffei Wegmann (KMW) to enable the German Army and other Leopard 2 users to evaluate the use of tanks in urban warfare scenarios. The PSO was displayed at Eurosatory 2006 fitted with add-on armor to the turret and hull (skirts), a dozer blade,…
Leopard 2 PSO In A Nutshell : r/Warthunder - Reddit
Same glacis armour as a standard Leopard 2A5. NERA side armour adds around 70mm vs KE threats and 60-130mm vs HEAT on the turret side. First generation gunner thermals. +7.5 tonnes of weight over the standard Leopard 2A5. No modification that allows the dozer to be removed in favour of the applique hull armour exists. 400 000 RP requirement.