豹2 PSO-VT才有车体附加装甲+推土铲的选项,PSO-VT后来砍掉侧面摄像头变成豹2A7+Duel样车。 豹2 PSO原本就没有车体正面附加装甲,描述是‘降低’的正面防护水平。
Leopard 2 PSO | War Thunder Wiki
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Leopard 2 PSO - War Thunder Wiki
The Leopard 2 PSO, with PSO standing for "Peace Support Operations", was KMW's proactive development of the Bundeswehr's requirements for a tank that needed to be adapted for urban warfare peacekeeping operations.
专门讲一下这个豹2pso吧 - 百度贴吧
豹2a7其实是一个改进比较小的型号,炮镜与车体均没有更换,主要提升是弹药管理系统与车载信息设备,加进游戏约等于目前的a6,下一个子型号是a7a1,更换了双超清热成像,但是车体依旧未进行升级,防护是经典的c+d曼海姆配置,但是增加了额外的战利品主动防御系统,但这战利品吧。 评价是不如铁拳。 而a7v则是全身d甲,双超清热成像但无aps的配置,基本做到了在火力防护上都胜过这辆pso豹,而基于a7v升级型a7hu发展而来的豹2a8更不用提,在所有硬件配置上基本 …
Leopard 2PSO lacking? What can be done? - War Thunder
2024年2月8日 · PSO is based on Leopard2A6EX DEMO II and having 1630 hp engine, with L44 cannon and without frontal add-on armor. PSO-VT is based on Leopard 2A6M and having 1500 hp engine, with L55 cannon and with frontal add-on armor.
豹2pso有没有D甲是不是A6EX车体? - 百度贴吧
原文也说了“豹2A4坦克被用作基础车辆,证明所有修改都可以被改装” 你觉得d甲一部分的前部装甲包在不在改进范围内? pso-vt是辆a6nl改的 改进包括 跟出口版豹2HEL/SWE/ESP一样的改进正面防护 这里边的正面防护就是所谓的D甲 另外Coelurus自己说的 有车体附加装甲就是D装甲配置.
Leopard 2 PSO In A Nutshell : r/Warthunder - Reddit
The PSO had the ability to swap the dozer for more hull armour, as it is uses the 2A6EX Demo 2 hull. The dozer attaches to the mounting points of the big piece of armour.
【全网最全】豹1/豹2主战坦克(MBT Leopard)坦克全族谱/发展 …
豹2PSO,即所谓“城市豹”、“巷战豹”,于2006年欧洲防务展展出。该车主要针对巷战环境附加了装甲套件,针对城市地形进行了优化。样车使用豹2A6EX(Demo II)的车体和豹2A5的炮塔。该车的名字PSO意为“和平支持行动”(Peace Support Operation)。
Leopard 2A7+ - The tech demonstrator - Ground - Official Forum
2024年10月20日 · Leopard 2a7+ created from PSO-VT upgrade kit was showed in Eurosatory 2010. It was tasted in Urbops configuration ( additional armor) by Bundeswehr. There was a plan to upgrade a 50 Leopards to this configuration. The name of Leopards 2a7+ includes modular upgrades for it (even planned FLW 200+ (rh-202) for it).
Leopard pso and pso-vt (2a7+) : r/Warthunder - Reddit
2023年9月2日 · The PSO in game can mount hull armor as it is based on the 2A6EX DEMO 2 hull which can mount composite in the same places the strv-122 can. The PSO-VT is based on the 2A6M.
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