Leo Smit (Dutch composer) - Wikipedia
Leopold "Leo" Smit (14 May 1900 – 30 April 1943) was a Dutch composer, murdered during The Holocaust at the Sobibor extermination camp. [1][2]
Leo Smit (American composer) - Wikipedia
Leo Smit (January 12, 1921 – December 12, 1999) was an American composer and pianist. Leo Smit was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. As a child his mother took him to the Soviet …
Leo Smit's career as composer, pianist, conductor, and educator spanned seven decades of musical life in the United States.
Homepage — Leo Smit Foundation
The Leo Smit Stichting carries out research, tells composers' stories, makes sheet music available and performs forgotten music. Together with musicians, programmers, researchers …
Leo Smit Foundation
De Leo Smit Stichting doet onderzoek, vertelt over componisten, maakt bladmuziek toegankelijk en laat vergeten muziek weer klinken. Samen met musici, programmeurs, onderzoekers en …
Leo Smit — Leo Smit Foundation
The Leo Smit Stichting carries out research, tells composers' stories, makes sheet music available and performs forgotten music. Together with musicians, programmers, researchers …
Forbidden Music Regained
2024年11月7日 · During the Second World War, many composers were persecuted by the Nazi’s, because they either had a Jewish background or refused to comply with Nazi rules. Their …
The Leo Smit Papers contain documents from 1905 to 1998 and cover the professional musical career of the decorated pianist and composer, Leo Smit. The collection is divided into nine series:
Leo Smitt - Classics Today
The fate of Dutch composer Leo Smit (1900-43), who died in a Nazi concentration camp, is made to seem even more tragic by the appearance of this complete collection. Here was a greatly …
Remembering Leo Smit (1921-1999) - University at Buffalo Libraries
This exhibit is in commemoration of the life and career of composer/pianist, Leo Smit. It includes images from Smit's childhood, passages about Smit's friendships with Aaron Copland, …