Leon Trotsky - Wikipedia
He was a central figure in the 1905 Revolution, October Revolution of 1917, Russian Civil War, and establishment of the Soviet Union, from which he was exiled in 1929 before his assassination in 1940. Trotsky and Vladimir Lenin were widely considered the two most prominent Soviet figures from 1917 until Lenin's death in 1924.
Trotsky and the Russian Civil War | SpringerLink
2015年10月13日 · This chapter argues that Trotsky’s organisational abilities won the civil war for the Bolsheviks, but that aspects of the organisational principles he used were thoroughly un-Bolshevik and foreshadowed the disputes of the 1920s which would ultimately see him removed from the Bolshevik hierarchy.
BBC - History - Historic Figures: Leon Trotsky (1879 - 1940)
His first post in the new government was as foreign commissar, where he found himself negotiating peace terms with Germany. He was then made war commissar and in this capacity, built up the Red...
Trotsky's Military Writings - Wikipedia
Trotsky's Military Writings are a voluminous compilation of articles, essays and lectures on military theory by Russian revolutionary, Leon Trotsky during the course of the Russian Civil War with the formation of the Red Army.
Reasons for the victory of the Reds in the Civil War - BBC
Throughout the Civil War, Lenin provided the energy and drive needed to inspire success, while Trotsky provided the organisation and charisma. Trotsky became Commissar for War in the...
The Collected Writings of Leon Trotsky: Trotsky Internet Archive
2014年11月21日 · In 1938 he helped found the Fourth International, the World Party of Socialist Revolution. In 1940, he was murdered by a Stalinist assassin at his home in exile, in Mexico. The Trotsky Internet Archive (TIA) hopes to be central clearing house for Trotsky’s writings.
Leon Trotsky: Rallying the Army (1919) - Marxists Internet Archive
2006年12月27日 · War with Soviet Russia, which was demanded by the senseless French General, Foch, would take ten years in the opinion of the American statesman. Less than six months have passed since the decisive victory of the Allies over the central empires; six months ago it seemed that the power of the Anglo-French and American imperialism was without limits.
Role of Leon Trotsky in the Russian Civil War - Academia.edu
This paper analyses the extent to which Leon Trotsky's role as the leader of the Bolsheviks resulted in their victory against anti-communist factions in the Russian Civil War.
Leon Trotsky - Quotes, Assassination & Russian Revolution - Biography
2014年4月2日 · In late 1920, the Bolsheviks finally won the Civil War, ensuring Bolshevik control of the Soviet government. After the White Army surrendered, Trotsky was elected a member of the Communist...
Trotsky and the Russian Civil War - Academia.edu
This paper analyses the extent to which Leon Trotsky's role as the leader of the Bolsheviks resulted in their victory against anti-communist factions in the Russian Civil War.