Low Earth Orbit Raider (LER) winged air launch vehicle concept - NASA …
2013年9月6日 · The LER is an air-launched, winged vehicle designed to carry a 1500 pound payload into a 250 nautical mile orbit. The LER is launched from the back of a 747-100B at 35,000 feet and a Mach number of 0.8. Three staged solid propellant motors offer safe ground and flight handling, reliable operation, and decreased fabrication cost.
The Lunar Electric Rover (LER), shown on Figure1a, is a concept vehicle proposed for rapid scouting missions on Lunar missions. Modeling the high- delity dynamics of the LER in LSOS was essential to ensure good physical models for exploring the locomotion and energy design space. An articulating multi-rigid-body model of the LER was developed
The Low Earth orbit Raider (LER) is an answer to this need. The LER is an air-launched, winged vehicle designed to carry a 1500 pound payload into a 250 nautical mile orbit. The LER is launched from the back of a 747-100B at 35,000 feet and a Mach number of 0.8. Three staged solid propellant motors offer safe ground and flight handling, reliable
Space Exploration Vehicle - Wikipedia
The Space Exploration Vehicle (SEV) is a modular vehicle concept developed by NASA from 2008 to 2015. It would have consisted of a pressurized cabin that could be mated either with a wheeled chassis to form a rover for planetary surface exploration (on the Moon and elsewhere) or to a flying platform for open space missions such as servicing ...
Based upon a twelve wheel omni-directional chassis with active suspension the LER introduces a number of novel capabilities for lunar exploration in both manned and unmanned scenarios.
NASA is still building on the lessons learned during the Apollo missions, and is also incorporating the experiences of operating unmanned rovers on Mars. One pressurized rover concept is the Lunar Electric Rover, or LER. The chassis, which serves as …
NASA’s LER concept under test (NASA). - ResearchGate
Designing for serendipity: Having considered this question, we list below our thoughts on equipment and capability which would enhance the probability of making serendipitous discoveries from a...
Lunar Electric Rover (LER) Layout - NASASpaceFlight.com
2009年12月3日 · This slide presentation reviews the process of the evaluation of window placement and configuration for the cockpit of the Lunar Electric Rover (LER). The purpose of the evaluation was to obtain...
Suit Ports – AnaBlogs: Blogs from Analog Missions
2009年8月17日 · The Lunar Electric Rover (LER) is equipped with a time and space saving concept called suit ports. The suit ports are located on the aft bulkhead of the LER, and are designed to allow astronauts to quickly go from driving in a shirtsleeve environment to Extravehicular Activity (EVA) in their space suits.
Real World: Exploring the Lunar Electric Rover [Archived]
2010年1月25日 · Join NASA at Desert RATS, or Research and Technology Studies, in Arizona to test drive the Lunar Electric Rover, or LER. Discover how LER's turning radius, ability to move in multiple...