About Leonard Orr - Leonard D. Orr Foundation
2019年5月28日 · Leonard D. Orr is best known as the founder of Rebirthing Breathwork. He is one of the early pioneers of the use of the breath as a somatic therapy, perhaps the earliest. He discovered the healing power of the breath accidentally, while …
Leonard D. Orr Foundation
Starting in the 1970s, Leonard Orr was a thought leader and change agent. Best known for pioneering breathwork as a healing modality, he left us a deep legacy in his writings and teachings.
Leonard D. Orr Biography — Leonard D. Orr Foundation
Leonard D. Orr is best known as the founder of Rebirthing Breathwork. He is one of the early pioneers of the use of the breath as a somatic therapy, perhaps the earliest…Leonard was a creative free thinker, and a pioneer in many areas of life.
Tribute to Leonard Orr | IBF International Breathwork Foundation
My Gratitude to Leonard Orr – from Jim Morningstar. Leonard, who died this first week of September 2019, was my “older brother.” As such he was for me a pioneer in opening the doors of consciousness, an innovator who questioned controlling or repressive standards and a teacher who attracted thousands of students in search of inner ...
ORR理论文章解析(一) - 知乎专栏
2018年5月28日 · 从本期开始,我将详细解读与ORR有关的理论文章,力求做到将作者所使用的计算方法清晰明白的介绍给大家。因为是在Word文档中写的,因此下面主要是图片形式,敬请谅解。
218:BOR(Best Overall Response) & ORR(客观缓解率)的相关知识点
2023年5月5日 · 作为抗癌药物重要审批终点之一:ORR (客观缓解率),FDA会将它看作是加速审批或者常规审批的一个替代终点。 如果用ORR作为终点,则 适合的研究设计是单臂试验或者随机研究;比较性研究中首选盲法。 优点是. ①:可以较早并且在研究规模较小的时候就对药物进行评价, ②:有效性可以归因于药物,而不是疾病的自然进程。 (我的理解是患了癌症的患者,如果不去管它,最终的结局都是死亡,但是我们进行药物干预,发现肿瘤变小了,所以就可以这样 …
Dr. Leo E. Orr, MD | Los Angeles, CA | Oncologist | US News Doctors
Dr. Leo E. Orr is an oncologist in Los Angeles, California. He received his medical degree from Baylor College of Medicine and has been in practice for more than 20 years. Dr. Leo E. Orr has...
Leroy Orr - Washington, District of Columbia, United States
Leroy Orr Aspiring FSD | B.S. in Computer Science | Delaware State University Alumnus | Software Enthusiast Washington, District of Columbia, United States
- 职位: Aspiring FSD | B.S. in …
- 位置: Montgomery College
- 人脉数: 126
Leroy Orr Profiles - Facebook
View the profiles of people named Leroy Orr. Join Facebook to connect with Leroy Orr and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share...
Leroy Orr Address & Phone Number | Whitepages People Search
Find Leroy's current address, phone number and email. Contact information for people named Leroy Orr found in Arkansas, Georgia, Pennsylvania and 7 other U.S. states, and include family, property and public records. lives in Tonasket, WA. They have also lived in New York, NY. Leroy is related to Lola Orr and Rebecca Orr.