Lesaffre : Global key player in fermentation
As a leader in bioengineering and bioprocessing, we naturally places RD&I at the heart of its success. More than 700 experts worldwide support this ambition and contribute every day to …
Home - Lesaffre
As an entrenched wholesale bakery supplier, we have a deep understanding of the entire commercial baking process. Our entrepreneurial spirit keeps our partners on the front line of …
Lesaffre - Wikipedia
Lesaffre is a French yeast manufacturer, and the world's largest producer. The company was founded by Louis Lesaffre, the co-founder of Bonduelle, in the mid-19th century. [1][2] One of …
About Us - Lesaffre
Lesaffre North America is a trusted partner to bakers around the continent, working to make the art of bread-making more productive, creative, and inspiring. From an at-home kitchen to an …
Groupe Lesaffre — Wikipédia
Le Groupe Lesaffre est une entreprise française, spécialisée dans le domaine des levures, l’alimentation animale et de la fermentation, dont le siège social est à Marcq-en-Barœul …
Products - Lesaffre
From clean label and extended shelf life, to yeast and dough improvers, Lesaffre has an ingredient and solution to meet the needs of commercial bakers large and small. Far beyond …
Yeasts & baking ingredients - Lesaffre
Craft bakers, bakery and food industrials, you wonder about baker's yeasts, bread-making ingredients, fermentation? Discover Lesaffre expertise.
Yeast and breadmaking solutions - Lesaffre
Lesaffre, an expert in fermentation, provides solutions for baking: yeasts, sourdoughs, bread-making solutions for bakers and bakery industrials.
Bread Yeast & Baking Solutions - Lesaffre Singapore
Discover Baking with Lesaffre top brands dedicated to expert product solutions for industrials, craft bakers and home bakers. Stay updated with the latest news and insights from Baking …
Définition de saffe | Dictionnaire français - La langue française
2024年8月16日 · Unité de mesure volumétrique utilisée au Maroc pour les grains, dont le poids est variable selon les régions. Dans les provinces du sud, connues sous le nom de royaume …