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Lies of P is a thrilling soulslike that takes the story of Pinocchio, turns it on its head, and sets it against the darkly elegant backdrop of the Belle Epoque era. Recent Reviews: Very Positive (1,569) - 91% of the 1,569 user reviews in the last 30 days are positive.
Lies of P - Wikipedia
Lies of P (Korean: P의 거짓) is a 2023 action role-playing game developed by Neowiz and Round8 Studio and published by Neowiz. Loosely based on Carlo Collodi 's 1883 novel, The Adventures of Pinocchio, the story follows the titular puppet traversing the fictional city of Krat, plagued by both an epidemic of petrification disease and a puppet uprising.
Home | Lies of P
Experience the beloved fairy tale of Pinocchio reinterpreted as a dark, grim narrative that allows players to discover the secrets and symbols hidden within the world of Lies of P. From its captivating storytelling to its hauntingly beautiful design, Lies of P has earned recognition for redefining the soulslike genre.
Lies of P Wiki
2025年2月14日 · Lies of P Wiki Guide - Walkthrough, Everything We Know So Far, Pinocchio Builds, Lie System, Weapon Blades & Handles, Gear, Legion Arms, Equipment, Quests, Enemy & Boss Guide, and more for Lies of P! NEOWIZ Games and Round8 Studio's new action Souls-like game set in a dark Belle Époque world!
直接锐评《Lies of P》【匹诺曹的谎言吧】_百度贴吧
先看敌人,应该是类魂和魂里最强的一群怪物了,精英怪个个都是萨米尔英雄和熔炉骑士的水平,霸体+神经刀,连段奇长,躯干被打空了还要一个蓄力重才会倒,倒的过程中有些还能扑腾几下(点名完整者)虚血还能自动回复,愤怒攻击无视无敌帧。 再说角色性能:多数武器出手慢频率低,但是攻击动作和后摇无法通过防御或闪避取消,甚至闪避后架防和防御中按闪避都有延迟。 尤其是碰到怪物出白条想去击倒的时候,无法取消攻击动作和后摇的蓄力重击就变得风险奇大,有 …
P的謊言 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
《P的謊言》 (英语: Lies of P ,中国大陆译作“匹诺曹的謊言”,香港和台湾译作“P的謊言”) 是一款由韩国电子游戏公司Round8 Studio开发并由Neowiz Games发行于2023年9月19日在Microsoft Windows、PlayStation 4、PlayStation 5、Xbox One和Xbox Series X/S平台上的魂系 動作角色扮 …
Lies of P
It's not just the chill in the air... the Steam Winter Sale is officially here. ️ Meet Lies of P with a 40% discount on Steam, starting now until January 2nd 10AM Pacific. #WinterSale #LiesofP. …
Home | Lies of P
在《Lies of P: Overture》中,跨越时间的界限,回到濒临毁灭的克拉特市,见证这座城市昔日不为人知的辉煌。 跟随传奇追迹者的脚步,揭露那些被掩埋的真相。
匹诺曹的谎言 Lies Of P - 游侠网
《匹诺曹的谎言》或许没有在类魂游戏的公式上做出太多创新,但就像木偶大师手中的牵线木偶一样,在这个美妙的黑暗奇幻舞台上,它极其出色地扮演了自己的角色。 游戏的背景设计和世界设计都非常出色,而且非常阴暗严峻,注重攻击性和时机的战斗令人满意,武器组装系统保证了多样性并鼓励玩家尝试,在难度上实现了强有力的渐进平衡。 在众多类魂游戏里《匹诺曹的谎言》无疑是个中翘楚。 它从系统、关卡、手感等多方面上还原了独属于《黑暗之魂》系列的经典体验, …
《Lies of P》游戏简评 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2023年11月3日 · 《Lies of P》是一款超出了我预期的传统魂游戏,它具备有非凡的素质和鲜明的特色,在一众类魂游戏中脱颖而出。 最为难得的是,一个韩国制作组(自然大家对本作的标准会要求更高)的初次“传统魂”尝试便有如此的完…
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