[Lesta服]莱服不同类型驱逐舰的随机战新体验报告:鱼雷自动走, …
2024年8月16日 · [Lesta服]莱服不同类型驱逐舰的随机战新体验报告:鱼雷自动走,野狗变炫狗 ... (没错,这么多条buff集于一身的岛风我从2016年开始玩你游还是第一次见) 所以我对卷驱保持的态度比较中间,我在莱服开卷驱也少,开着开着也开洗了,大家各种群卷驱杀DD杀的特别爽 ...
The Long-Term Effects of the Wargamming-Lesta Split
2024年12月22日 · Lesta doesn't like admitting that a ship concept isn't working. Therefore the vast majority of their balance changes are to gunpower -- reload, range, sigma, turret traverse. It doesn't take a genious to figure out that buffing the guns across the board doesn't make for a better game experience, merely a slightly shorter average match duration.
Wargaming VS Lesta (Type 71 Case) : r/WorldofTanks - Reddit
2024年1月12日 · buffed 120->170 upper hull 200 more health and better mobility, but nerfed gun dpm and cooling gimmicks... Also this https://tanks.gg/tank/concept-5?cs=concept-5-ru. The reason is that Lesta's balancing is actually competent and despite what they're saying, WG doesn't actually "listen to player feedback". That's it.
[Lesta服] 莱斯塔13.9 PT1 全新弔活 非对称模式 三四级船暴力buff
2014年3月19日 · 超模四级船buff起来要爆炸的节奏。 无理也很不错,8公里102节雷,海里一滴水都没有了。 别忘了还有鱼雷射速和标伤加成 无理直接10s一轮十发1w2伤
[Lesta服] 不对称唯一指定真神莫斯科 - NGA玩家社区
2020年10月7日 · [Lesta服] 不对称唯一指定真神莫斯科 ... 服这次5个9,10级打10个7,8级。你要是上战略的话很容易被对面激活烧死,上苏重靠着回血buff比德战和苏战还硬,激光炮还能有效对付那些鬼畜扭动的驱逐。 ...
The Long-Term Effects of the Wargamming-Lesta Split
2024年12月22日 · What I personally find to be the most impactful concerns the art and graphics. Lesta certainly got the better talents for their art department. The Mir Korabli port user interface alone is better (flat, clean, minimalist) than the legacy UI …
WoT RU: Vehicle Changes in Update 1.24 (British Wheeled …
2024年1月31日 · A non-excessive DPM buff and less movement penalty with damaged wheels sound great, but it looks like they’re trying to turn British cars into another line of EBRs. Loading... Reply
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