Latvia - Wikipedia
The terms inspired the variations on the country's name in Romance languages from "Letonia" and in several Germanic languages from "Lettland". [19]
Latvia | History, Map, Flag, Population, Capital, Language, & Facts ...
3 天之前 · Latvia contains a multitude of rivers that drain into the Baltic Sea. The largest are the Western Dvina, locally called the Daugava (with a total length of 222 miles [357 km] in Latvia), the Gauja (Russian: Gauya), the Venta, and the Lielupe. Amid the hills, many of which are forested, are numerous lakes, some measuring up to about 12 square miles (30 square km).
Latvia Maps & Facts - World Atlas
2021年2月24日 · Latvia, a Baltic state in Europe lies along the eastern shores of the Baltic Sea and covers an area of 4,589 sq. km (24,938 sq mi).. As observed on the physical map of the country above, Latvia is a very flat country of low-lying plains, largely covered by forest.
Latvia - The World Factbook
6 天之前 · Visit the Definitions and Notes page to view a description of each topic.
Letónia – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre
Letónia (português europeu) ou Letônia (português brasileiro) (em letão: Latvija, pronunciado: ), oficialmente República da Letónia / Letônia (em letão Latvijas Republika), é uma nação do Norte da Europa, sendo uma das três repúblicas bálticas.Faz fronteira ao norte com a Estónia, a leste com a Rússia, a sudeste com a Bielorrússia, a sul com a Lituânia e a oeste com o mar ...
Latvia | Latvia.eu - the official website of Latvia
“Having worked with Latvian professionals and having visited Latvia, particularly its capital Riga, I have been a direct witness to how people work and live, the desire to bring an effective contribution and to emerge and conquer an increasingly important role in …
Letonia: Información Completa sobre Cultura, Economía y …
Explora Letonia en Paises.org: descubre su geografía, historia, cultura, economía y relaciones internacionales. Información detallada y actualizada sobre Letonia para entender mejor este país influyente.
Portal:Latvia - Wikipedia
The flag of Latvia The coat of arms of Latvia. Latvia, officially the Republic of Latvia, is a country in the Baltic region of Northern Europe.It is one of the three Baltic states, along with Estonia to the north and Lithuania to the south. It borders Russia to the east and Belarus to the southeast, and shares a maritime border with Sweden to the west. Latvia covers an area of 64,589 km 2 ...
Riga – Letonia. Obiective turistice, transport public și tot ce …
22 小时之前 · Riga și Letonia au avut independență între 1918 și 1940, când au început ocupațiile sovietice rusești și naziste germane. Letonia a fost sub stăpânire sovietică până în 1991, când și-a recăpătat independența. În 1995, centrul istoric al Rigei, Orașul Vechi, a devenit un sit al Patrimoniului Mondial UNESCO. Riga este unul ...
About Latvia
Latvia – a country in the Baltic region of Europe – may be small, but its pristine Baltic sea coastline and traditions tend to surpass even more iconic destinations of Europe.