In order to convert the process to low enriched uranium (LEU, < 20% 235U) as a uranium metal-foil target, the effects of modifying the dissolver solution must be studied, and necessary …
Testing of HTR UO2 TRISO fuels in AVR and in material test reactors
2013年10月1日 · The LEU UO 2 fuel kernels manufactured for the high quality fuel particles in the German Fuel Development Program were based on a modified sol–gel, external gelation …
LEU is supposed to contain less than 20% of the 235 U isotope and, therefore, is much more resistant to proliferation. Among other things, nuclear fuel for a research reactor must possess …
Development of advanced HTR fuel elements - ScienceDirect
1990年7月2日 · After a thorough study of low-enriched fuel particle performance, the FRG and the United States adopted low-enriched uranium fuel for all future HTR projects [1]. In FRG, LEU …
2023年5月31日 · Performance Expectations for LEU TRISO Fuel • Normal operating conditions • Fission product release comes from: −Finely dispersed uranium outside of SiC −Particle …
Analysis of core life-time and neutronic parameters for HEU and ...
2012年9月1日 · In the LEU core analysis four potential fuels UO 2 (Zircaloy-4 clad, Al-clad), U 3 Si–Al, U 3 Si 2 –Al and U–9Mo–Al have been investigated. The parameters used for …
电沉积LEU UO2靶件生产医用99Mo的工艺研究 - 百度学术
99Mo是一种重要的医用放射性同位素.采用低浓铀(LEU)靶件生产裂变99Mo是发展趋势.本工作进行了电沉积UO2靶件制备,靶件溶解以及99Mo化学分离等工艺研究,确定了电沉积LEU UO2靶件 …
Selection of Nuclear Fuel for TREAT: UO2 vs U3O8 (Technical …
2016年4月1日 · The National Nuclear Security Administration’s is converting TREAT from its existing highly enriched uranium (HEU) core to a new core containing low enriched uranium …
电沉积LEU UO_2靶件生产医用~(99)Mo的工艺研究 - 百度学术
采用低浓铀(leu)靶件生产裂变~(99)mo是发展趋势。 本工作进行了电沉积UO_2靶件制备、靶件溶解以及99Mo化学分离等工艺研究,确定了电沉积LEU UO_2靶件制备医用裂变99Mo的工艺流程。
Status of ANSTO Mo-99 production using LEU targets
2025年1月14日 · The Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization (ANSTO) has produced Mo-99 using Low Enriched Uranium (LEU) UO2 targets for nearly thirty years. The …