Analysis for core conversion HEU-LEU) of PARR-2
2025年1月25日 · On the basis of HEU based reactor model, analysis of LEU (UO/sub 2/ fuel) core gives results, which qualify the UO/sub 2/ fuel for future LEU core of MNSR. However for LEU fuel, neutron flux at irradiation sites is slightly lower for the reactor operating at 30 kW power.
"Phase Transformations and Microstructural Evolution in the U
Zr has been identified as a potential diffusion barrier between monolithic U-10 wt.% Mo (U10Mo) metallic fuel and AA6061 cladding alloys for the development of a LEU fuel system.
2017年9月1日 · The United States Department of Energy (DOE), National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), Office of Material Management and Minimization (MMM) is working to convert research reactors globally from highly enriched uranium (HEU) fuel to low-enriched uranium (LEU) fuel.
The low enriched uranium miniature neutron source reactor (LEU …
2021年7月21日 · A plausible explanation to the stronger dependency on the α -value by 94 Zr (n, γ) 95 Zr reaction, can be attributed to the reaction occurring over a wider energy resonance energy spectrum, effectively from 1 keV to 100 keV [15].
Analysis of core life-time and neutronic parameters for HEU and ...
2012年9月1日 · In this work, a comparative study of the core life-time, and various safety parameters is reported for the existing UAl 4 –Al HEU, along with various potential LEU fuels for MNSR including UO 2 (Zircaloy clad, Al clad), U9Mo-Al (dispersed), U 3 Si–Al and U 3 Si 2 –Al.
Microstructural Characterization of U-Nb-Zr, U-Mo-Nb, and U …
2010年2月4日 · In this study, three such ternary alloys, with compositions U-10Nb-4Zr, U-8Mo-3Nb, and U-7Mo-3Ti in wt.%, were examined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), x-ray diffraction (XRD), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) with high angle annular dark field (HAADF) imaging via scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM).
Neutronic Performance of High-Density LEU Fuel in Water …
2008年7月29日 · High density dispersion fuels proposed for development include U-Zr (4 wt%)-Nb (2 wt%), U-Mo (5 wt%), and U-Mo (9wt%). The purpose of this note is to examine the relative neutronic behavior of these high density fuels in a typical light water-reflected and water-moderated MTR-type research reactor.
U-10Mo/Zr Interface Modeling using a Microstructure-Based FEM …
2016年4月25日 · The U-10Mo in low enrichments (LEU) has been identified as the most promising alternative to the current highly enriched uranium (HEU) used in the United States’ fleet of high performance research reactors (USHPRRs).
A feasibility study of LEU enrichment uranium fuels for MNSR …
2009年8月1日 · A neutronics feasibility study has been performed to determine the enrichment that would be required to convert a commercial Miniature Neutron Source Reactor (MNSR) from HEU (90.2%) to LEU (<20%) fuel. Two LEU cores with uranium oxide fuel pins of different dimensions were studied.
Radial and axial core configuration with Zr- zoning
The LEU fuel assemblies with a higher Zr content (LEU-10Zr) are located in the inner region of the initial core, and the LEU fuel assemblies with a lower Zr content (LEU-7Zr) are...