Leuna works - Wikipedia
The successful aerial attacks contributed vitally to the defeat of Germany in World War II, since they deprived the country and its troops of essential commodities. On 4 April 1945, production in Leuna stopped entirely.
Bombing of Leuna works in World War II - Military Wiki
Leuna bombing from May 12, 1944 to April 5, 1945 cost the Eighth Air Force 1,280 airmen. In three separate attacks by the Eighth, 119 planes were lost and not one bomb fell on the Leuna works. [9] . The Eighth Air Force dropped 12,953 tons of explosives on Merseburg.
The United States Army Air Force Bombing Campaign Against the Leuna …
Commencing on 12 May 1944 the USAAF, and later the RAF, undertook a sustained bombing campaign against Leuna and the other synthetic fuel plants. However, due to the critical importance of Leuna to the war effort, the German state devoted significant resources to the defence of the plant, and to its repair and the maintenance of production.
Leuna - 6th/7th December 1944. - Northlincsweb.net
Operation – Leuna - 6/7 December 1944. Synthetic Oil Plant. The huge synthetic oil plant at Leuna/ Merseberg produced fuel and chemicals for the German Reich and was a high priority and heavily defended target. RAF Bomber Command detailed 475 Lancasters and 12 Mosquitoes for this attack from 1, 3 and 8 Groups
I.G. Farben Leunawerke | This Day in Aviation
2 November 1944: The 8th Air Force sent 638 B-17 Flying Fortress four-engine heavy bombers, escorted by 642 P-51 Mustang and P-38 Lightning fighters from their bases in England, over 500 miles to attack the I.G. Farben Leunawerke synthetic oil refinery at Leuna, a 3-square-mile facility a few miles from Merseberg, Germany.
Merseburg: Blood, Flak & Oil USAAF WWII Bombing Campaign …
MERSEBURG and its Leuna synthetic oil plant - was one of the most feared targets in Germany. The USAAF's 8th Air Force began an 18 mission campaign against the Nazis most important oil production site in May 1944 as part of the wider Oil Plan.
The oil industry in Nazi Germany, 1936-1945 - Document - Gale
The first large-scale Bergius plant opened at Leuna in 1927. The Nazi seizure of power in 1933 proved a boon for I. G. Farben and its Bergius process. The discovery of large petroleum reserves in Texas and Oklahoma, combined with the world economic crisis of 1929, had sent oil prices spiraling downward and threatened I. G. with disaster.
Mission - November 30, 1944 - 100th Bomb Group Foundation
At briefing, the primary target for the day was divulged as the Leuna synthetic oil plant in Merseburg. The production of synthetic oil was critical to keeping the German war machine going and the Leuna plant, a previous target on twelve other …
Leuna-Werke Merseburg - Luftbild der Hydrierwerke nach den ...
2022年5月2日 · Im Zweiten Weltkrieg sind die Leuna-Werke als wesentlicher Teil der deutschen Treibstoffindustrie immer wieder zu Zielen schwerer Luftangriffe der US Army Air Forces und Royal Air Force geworden. Im Mai 1944 warfen erstmals mehr als 800 Flugzeuge der 8.
Merseburg/Leuna bombing 21 December 1944 | World War …
Merseburg/Leuna bombing 21 December 1944 Site statistics: Photos of World War II: over 26800 aircraft: 63 models tanks: 59 models vehicles: 59 models guns: 3 models units: 2 ships: 47 WW2 battlefields - 12 weapon models: - equipment: - World War Photos 2013-2025, contact: info(at)worldwarphotos.info.