Level 93的第一张照片。 - 哔哩哔哩
冰川是 Level 93 中能被观察到的最常见的特征。 Level 93 中的冰川由冰、雪、干冰、钨、铷、低浓度的铁、石英、丙酮、水、汞以及更稀有的碳组成。 Level 93 的冰川似乎并不遵循已知的物理定律。
Level 93:“恐红症” | Backrooms Wiki | Fandom
某几栋建筑内还含有通向地下室的通道——地下室内有着众多取暖设备,如锅炉、暖气机等,因此成为Level 93内最温暖的区域。奇特的是,无论流浪者使用任何物理或化学手段,均不能减弱甚至扑灭炉中的火焰。
Level 93: "Erythrophobia" | Backrooms Wiki | Fandom
Level 93 is known to isolate any wanderer from another by spawning them in entirely different buildings upon entry, making it impossible for them to somehow communicate due to the critically cold temperatures within the field. It should be noted that Wi-Fi is absent at this level, making sanity drain faster due to the absence of communication.
Level 93: "长廊" | Backrooms Wiki | Fandom
Level 93 是后室的 第94层. Level 93,又称"甲板走廊",该楼层中有着白色的墙壁与地板组成的较长的走廊和复杂且重复的窗饰。 走廊的宽度与长度各不相同,但走廊中照明灯的间距固定为8英尺。 且天花板照明灯的设计为简约现代风。 第一张关于Level 93的图片,这条图片上的走廊宽约4米,图片的右边是一个被打开门的房间,而走廊的尽头则是一个洗衣机,万幸,该图片拍摄者已通过房间逃离该楼层。 走廊两边的墙壁有时会出现一扇白色的木门,木门后有着一些房间或者连接 …
Backrooms 后房 层级介绍 LEVEL 93 顶峰 - 哔哩哔哩
2022年2月5日 · 冰川是在 93级 可以观察到的最常见特征。 93级 冰川由冰,雪,干冰,钨,铷,低浓度的铁,石英,丙酮,水和汞组成,偶尔还有碳。 93级 的冰川似乎没有遵循既定的物理定律。已经观察到在 93级 遇到的冰川: 93级 缩放,膨胀和收缩, 吸收93级 区域,并完全 ...
Level 93 | Backrooms: Revisited Wiki - Fandom
Level 93, also known as "Erythrophobia" is a vast collection of approximately 60 buildings, built within the snowed field tinted with thick red mist. All of the buildings follow brutalist or post-soviet...
【backroom还原 #3】level 93惨案及level 93的介绍 - 哔哩哔哩
的介绍与自制录像带,回到现实世界(前厅),隐藏层级:level -0与level -998(注:现实生活中-0是错误的),自创层级:level dark,极其诡异的隐藏level:level -4,自制后室层级:“暗室”,【backroom层级介绍 #6】level 41与level 909的介绍,level 188
Level 93: "Shrouded Veil" | Backrooms Freewriting Wiki | Fandom
Level 93 also known as Shrouded Veil is the 94th Level of The Antirooms, it presents the fear of attracting unwanted attention. Mountains found on the left side of where the spawn would be.
Level 93 - Backrooms Freewriting Wiki
Survive in a level between 10-99 for more than 1-10 hours. If this is met, then do the following: Go to a dark area of the picked level and light a Lighter and stay still for 5-15 minutes and you will lose consciousness, making you wake up in Level 93. Exits: Using the doors at 3356M to either return to the level you came from or Level 73.
Level 93 - Basically The Backrooms: The Adventure Outside Reality …
Level 93 is a 94th level of The Backrooms. Level 93 looks like a system of Mountains with trees, snow and other winter things. There's no any signs of civilization, so don't look for anyone. Volcano in Level 42 will lead ones here. Reaching the …
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