LEVEL-5 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Level-5 (日语: レベルファイブ)是一間獨自運作的 日本 電玩遊戲 開發與發行公司,開發的遊戲多以獨特的卡通風格著稱,初始以《闇黑之雲》打開知名度,後來與 史克威爾艾尼克斯 合作開發《勇者斗恶龙VIII 天空、碧海、大地与被诅咒的公主》而廣為人知。 公司於1998年10月成立,設立於 福岡縣,社長是 日野晃博,成立當時只是一間小型的開發公司,後在 SCE 注資下開發 PS2 平台的遊戲《闇黑之雲》,此作在全世界達成150萬套以上的銷售量 [2],有了個好的開始。 …
Level-5 (company) - Wikipedia
Level-5 Inc. [a] is a Japanese video game developer and publisher based in Fukuoka. The company was founded in October 1998 by Akihiro Hino after he departed from Riverhillsoft. Early in its history, the company enjoyed a close relationship with Sony Computer Entertainment, with many of its games then funded by and produced in conjunction with ...
Level-5's new product announcement stream: "LEVEL5 VISION …
Information on upcoming Level-5 games will be revealed in our new product announcement stream: "LEVEL5 VISION 2023 鼓 (TSUZUMI) ". We will be sharing news on titles such as the …
LEVEL-5 - Gematsu
LEVEL-5 is a video game publisher and developer headquartered in Fukuoka, Japan. It is known for the Dark Cloud, Inazuma Eleven, Layton, Ni no Kuni, and Yo-kai Watch series, among other titles....
LEVEL-5 abby Inc.
Multi-media entertainment company LEVEL-5 abby Inc. creates, produces and distributes highly engaging content for children, adults and game/anime fans worldwide. The company's mission is to bring its universally-themed popular game and animation content from Japan to fans globally, across all platforms and all devices.
Level-5 - Audiovisual Identity Database
Level-5 is a Japanese video game developer that was founded in October 1998 by Akihiro Hino after his departure of Riverhillsoft. The company began enjoying a close relationship with Sony Computer Entertainment, and then took on a relationship with Nintendo to develop games, while beginning to self-publish games in Japan.
LEVEL-5 - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
LEVEL-5 (日语: レベルファイブ)是一家总部位于日本福冈的游戏公司,现任社长为 日野晃博。 LEVEL-5成立于1998年10月28日,成立之初仅为小型开发公司,后在 索尼电脑娱乐 注资下开发 PS2 游戏《暗云》,为LEVEL-5打开了知名度。 随后LEVEL-5与 史克威尔艾尼克斯 合作开发了《勇者斗恶龙VIII 天空、海洋、大地与被诅咒的公主殿下》,使LEVEL-5一举成名。 2007年起,LEVEL-5开始自主开发并发行游戏,先后制作并发行了 雷顿教授系列 、 闪电十一人系列 、 …
Level V-0层级设定:庞大图书馆与神秘打印机 - 百度贴吧
2025年3月9日 · level V-0 是后室V层群的第1个层级,表现为一个图书馆的样式,该层级由几乎无尽的六边形房间组成,中央有宽大的通风井,环绕着极为低矮的栏杆。 送TA礼物
Level-5 | Video Game Sales Wiki | Fandom
Level-5 is a relatively young major publisher in Japan. They got their start with developing notable titles such as Dark Cloud, Rogue Galaxy and Dragon Quest VIII. They however made landfall with DS, with a number of successful franchises like Inazuma Eleven and Professor Layton.
Level V: Executive Leadership Phase - Civil Air Patrol
Level V focuses on developing the region or national level leader who aspires to serve on staff or as a commander. This is the highest level of CAP career development and is for those officers performing duty as commanders or staff officers at the region or national level.
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