Lewa - BIONICLEsector01
2025年3月6日 · The krana-controlled Lewa attacked Onua, and nearly defeated him. However, Onua knew that the krana was not in control of Lewa's will, and convinced him to remove the krana. Shortly afterward, Le-Koro was liberated by Matoran in Boxor vehicles.
Lewa | The BIONICLE Wiki | Fandom
Lewa controlled by a Krana. Onua discovered his fellow Toa was in trouble by intercepting a group of Lehvak Va carrying Lewa's Golden Kanohi. After retrieving the mask, Onua set off in search of his friend, eventually encountering him deep in the jungle. With Onua's encouragement, Lewa resisted the swarm's control and ripped the Krana off his face.
Krana - The BIONICLE Wiki
Krana were a type of masklike organic species which acted as the brain of a Bohrok and gave it its power. The Krana, besides controlling the Bohrok, provided intelligence to the swarms. Krana were first created by the Great Beings as part of creating the Matoran Universe.
Krana - BIONICLEsector01
5 天之前 · Krana are small organic creatures that link the Bohrok or other beings to the Bohrok swarms. The original krana were created by the Great Beings by exposing the remains of the process that created the first Matoran to Energized Protodermis. This procedure resulted not only in krana, but also Zyglak. [4]
BIONICLEstory.com - BioMedia Project
Krana could not only drive a Bohrok, they could act as a mask and take over any form of life – Matoran, Turaga, even Toa, as Lewa discovered. The Turaga told an ancient tale of the Bohrok: the Toa must collect eight different types of krana from each of the six types of Bohrok in order to defeat the swarms.
Lewa | The C.I.R.C.L.E. Wiki | Fandom
Lewa was the lighthearted and witty Toa Mata of Air, part of the team tasked with awakening the Great Spirit Mata Nui. After being exposed to Energized Protodermis, he was transformed into the Toa Nuva of Air. Lewa and the rest of his team were created on Artakha.
krana - The Great Archives
The krana were living creatures who dwelled inside the faceplates of the Bohrok. The krana were the true power of the Bohrok swarms; it was from a krana that an individual Bohrok get its role in the swarm, as well as a special power. The krana were cunning and dangerous, capable of attaching themselves to the face of a foe and taking over his ...
Lewa | Custom BIONICLE Wiki | Fandom
Confronting the Toa of Air, Lewa proved a much more capable combatant than their previous confrontation, when he had been under the influence of an Infected Kanohi. Using the Krana Vu to telepathically anticipate Onua's movements, Lewa easily overpowered his fellow Toa but proved unwilling to definitively harm him in the name of the Bohrok.
Lewa | The Next Bionicle Wiki | Fandom
Lewa was the lighthearted and witty Toa Mata of Air tasked with awakening the Great Spirit Mata Nui. After exposure to Energized Protodermis, he was transformed into a more powerful being called a Toa Nuva and later donned Adaptive Armor to become a …
Lewa Nuva - The Great Archives
Because of his experience with the krana, Lewa was the only Toa who could hear and understand the Bohrok's communication. For example, he was once able to understand a Tahnok Va. He found it unsettling that the swarms still had access to his mind, but it certainly came in handy. Lewa was the best of the Toa Nuva at moving quickly and silently. 9