Lexus LFA - Wikipedia
The Lexus LFA (Japanese: レクサス・LFA, Rekusasu LFA) is a two-door sports car produced between 2010 and 2012 by the Japanese carmaker Toyota under its luxury marque, Lexus. Lexus built 500 units over its production span of two years. The development of the LFA, codenamed TXS, began in early 2000.
雷克萨斯LFA - 百度百科
雷克萨斯LFA是日本豪华汽车品牌 雷克萨斯 (Lexus)开发的一款 超级跑车,由雷克萨斯顶尖的设计及工程团队历经10年时间研发而成。 研发项目总工程师棚桥春彦先生称,在 开发产品 的十年中,公司力图超越每个极限以达到这一目标,包括研发先进的碳纤维单体横造式底盘和车身,相信雷克萨斯创造出了一款完全以驾驶者为设计核心的车型。 为了在极速驰骋时亦能实现驭随心动的完美操控感受,LFA致力于以先进科技和创新设计实现完美的动态平衡。 LFA采用发动机中前置后 …
纯日味道超跑:回顾Lexus LFA(LFA10) - 知乎专栏
Lexus 雷克萨斯 可能会推出一辆类似后来的LFA这样的超级跑车,其实早在90年代车迷圈已有过期待,毕竟在汽车发展的历史上,很多刚创建的汽车品牌的头炮,如果不拿出点儿会造赛车、会造快车、甚至会造超级跑车的能耐来,是很难服众的。这跟今天那种做份PPT ...
2012 Lexus LFA Review, Pricing and Specs - Car and Driver
If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like if Toyota took on Ferrari, the LFA is your answer. Packed with racecar technology, the LFA has a high-revving V-10 with 553 horsepower and a...
Lexus LFA - Ultimate Guide & Research Hub
The Lexus LFA isn't just another supercar, it's an automotive anomaly. Its heart is a naturally aspirated V10 engine, a rarity in modern times, that screams to a stratospheric 9,000 rpm redline. The sound alone is worth the price of admission, a mechanical symphony unlike anything else on …
A closer look inside the Lexus LFA's V10 - Lexus UK Magazine
2018年7月19日 · At the heart of this supercar was the breathtaking 1LR-GUE engine, a bespoke 4.8-litre V10 that is widely regarded as an engineering masterpiece. Rich in motorsport technology, it was endowed with an exceptional peak output of 553bhp at a soaring 8,700rpm.
2012 Lexus LFA 2dr Cpe Features and Specs - Car and Driver
If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like if Toyota took on Ferrari, the LFA is your answer.
型式:CBA-LFA10|LFA (レクサス)の総合情報 | 【グーネット】
レクサスのプレミアムスポーツ「F」シリーズのフラッグシップモデルである2シータースポーツ「LFA」。 560馬力を発生するV型10気筒4.8Lエンジンを搭載し、トランスミッションには、「ASG(Automated Sequential Gearbox)」と呼ばれる、2ペダルの6速シーケンシャルトランスミッションを採用。...
Review: Lexus LFA10 LFA (2011-12) – Australian Car.Reviews
Released in October 2011, the Lexus LFA10 LFA was a high performance, two-seat coupe. Manufactured in Motomachi, Japan, the rear-wheel drive LFA was powered by a 4.8-litre V10 petrol engine that was mated to a six-speed automatic transmission (Lexus’ Automated Sequential Gearbox or ASG).
lexus雷克萨斯中国今日正式公布旗下高性能双座超级跑车lfa在中国市场的官方售价,其厂家建议价为人民币5,988,000元。 LFA是LEXUS雷克萨斯开发的第一款超级跑车,由LEXUS雷克萨斯顶尖的设计及工程团队历经10年时间研发而成。