LGM-30 Minuteman - Wikipedia
The LGM-30 Minuteman is an American land-based intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) in service with the Air Force Global Strike Command.
LGM-30洲際彈道飛彈 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
LGM-30義勇兵洲际弹道导弹 (英語: LGM-30 Minuteman)是 美国 的一种陆基 洲际弹道导弹 (ICBM),隶属 美国空军全球打击司令部,主要被设计来投送 核弹头 (氫彈)。
LGM-30A/B弹道导弹 - 百度百科
LGM-30A/B弹道导弹是美国第二代 战略导弹,空军三级固体燃料单弹头 洲际弹道导弹,波音飞机公司研制 [1]。 1958年底,LGM-30A/B弹道导弹研制工作开始,1962年“民兵1A”服役; …
如何评价LGM-30A/B弹道导弹(美国战略导弹)? - 知乎
LGM中的“L”代表的就是“发射井发射”,“G”代表“打击地面目标”,“M”代表“导弹”。 而LGM-30A/B型就是初代“民兵1”导弹。 该导弹长17米,射程10140公里,可携带百万吨级核弹头以半径1.6公里的精度打击目标。
Boeing LGM-30A Minuteman IA - National Museum of the USAF
The Minuteman IA on display (designation LGM-30A) represents one of 150 deployed at Malmstrom AFB between 1962 and 1969. Improved range and accuracy in later models enabled their deployment at U.S. bases farther from their targets in the former Soviet Union.
Two civilian technicians look at the under-side of a Minuteman (LGM-30) reentry platform. Platform is mounted on a test stand (Retrieved from https://nara.getarchive.net/media/two-civilian-technicians-look-at-the-underneath-side-of-a-minuteman-lgm-30-dc4939)
LGM-30A/B Minuteman I - United States Nuclear Forces
LGM-30A/B Minuteman I The Minuteman I was deactivated in 1972 when the Air Force began its modernization process to the Minuteman III. The Air Force secured approval from the Department of Defense on 27 February 1958 to develop the Minuteman.
The rst production rocket "Minuteman" was assembled April 12, 1962, and December 11, 1962 the command of strategic aviation adopted the two links of missiles, designated LGM-30A / B "Minuteman-1".
美国LGM-30“民兵”弹道导弹 - 百度知道
LGM-30“民兵”(Minuteman)导弹是美国波音公司研发的洲际弹道导弹,隶属美国空军全球冲击司令部,主要被规划来投送核弹头。 诞生前史. “民兵”弹道导弹有多种类型,最先面世的是固体燃料导弹“民兵”Ⅰ型(LGM-30A和LGM-30B),其后又推出了“民兵”Ⅱ型(LGM-30F)和“民兵”Ⅲ型(LGM-30G)。 LGM-30A导弹在1958年末开端研发作业,1962年正式执役。 至1965年6月,LGM-30A和LGM-30B共有800枚装备美国空军。 LGM-30F导弹于1964年9月完结第一次升 …
Minuteman I Missile
The Boeing LGM-30A Minuteman I ICBM was the first ICBM to use solid fuel rather than the liquid fuel of its predecessors, the Atlas and Titan Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles. The Minuteman missile is a smaller delivery vehicle and easier to maintain, and due to its solid rocket propellant, this missile can be launched quickly.
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