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Lincoln Hills Development Corporation
LHDC is the designated Community Action Agency for Crawford, Perry, and Spencer Counties. LHDC exists to improve the quality of life in the communities we serve. In addition to Crawford, Perry, and Spencer Counties, LHDC also offers services in Dubois, Gibson, Harrison, Lawrence, Orange, Pike, Vanderburgh, and Warrick Counties.
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2020年11月10日 · File information Structured data Captions Captions English LHDC Codec Logo Chinese LHDC藍芽編解碼器Logo
LHDC (codec) - Wikipedia
Low Latency Audio Codec (LLAC) is also called LHDC LL. It is based on the high definition wireless audio technology from LHDC, but designed for low latency and features an auto-detect gaming mode. Savitech claims LLAC has end-to-end latency of around ~30ms.
LHDC - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - zh.wikipedia.org
低延遲音頻編解碼器 (LLAC) 也稱為 LHDC-LL,基於 LHDC技術但專為低延遲而設計,並具有自動檢測的遊戲模式。 LLAC 的端到端延遲約為 30 毫秒。 LLAC 支持 400/600 Kbps的可選比特率、24 位的位深度與48kHz的採樣率。 ^ What is LHDC™ ?. [2019-10-01]. (原始內容 存檔於2019-09-22). ^ 存档副本. [2021-10-10]. (原始內容 存檔於2021-10-19). ^ 台灣半導體廠盛微的 LHDC 藍牙高音質規範獲日本 HiRes Audio Wireless 認證,成 LDAC 後第二款高音質無線傳輸標準. …
LHDC - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
LHDC (Low-Latency Hi-Definition Audio Codec,低延迟高解析度音频编码),是一种 蓝牙 传输的 音频编解码 的技术规范 [1]。 该编码可以实现规格最高达到1000kbps,24bit/192kHz的 串流 高解析度音频,以及LHDC-LL(LLAC) [2],即基于LHDC提供的游戏场景的低延迟蓝牙音频传输技术。
LHDC力图让用户在各使用场景都能带来高音质、快速且低延迟的全新音频体验。 而Dyson首席工程师Jake Dyson表示:「戴森音频科学致力于打造高保真音频,尽可能地减少失真或噪音干扰,原汁原味地呈现艺术家的作品」这份对于将干扰降到最低的坚持與追求,完美 ...
LHDC X, the spatial audio engine
LHDC X is a spatial audio engine which allows the sound to exist in any direction within the space, immersing oneself in it and creating a cinematic sense of immersion. Audio profiles suitable for every world, from gaming to music. Customize your own unique spatial audio experience with LHDC X personalized tool.
Contact Us - LHDC
Join the LHDC Alliance to involve in the latest LHDC™ technology development and to benefit from the LHDC logo. For companies who want to evaluate LHDC decoder products such as Bluetooth headphones, Bluetooth receiver. For companies who want to evaluate LHDC encoder products such as Audio player or other Bluetooth transmit device.
The Next Generation Standard For High Quality Bluetooth Audio Format - LHDC
LHDC is the next generation for the highest quality of wireless audio, with LHDC, there will be no more audio quality disparity between wireless and wired audio devices. LHDC audio technology is perfectly designed for Bluetooth wireless system and can provide both wireless convenient and wired audio quality.