LHG 60G Low speed - MikroTik
2018年11月8日 · Hello friends, I have a problem with the new 60 Ghz antennas that mikrotik has taken, the LHG 60G model, which are 2 preconfigured antennas. According to specifications, the maximum distance is 1km. I have 500m, it also says that the maximum synchronization is 2.5Ghz, I have them linked to 2.3Ghz.
To increase wireless Mikrotik Tx power for extending the wifi range, But remember overheating of the power amplifier chip and the card which will cause lower efficiency and more data...
Best practices to optimize signal and CCQ - MikroTik
2020年1月3日 · Lower the Tx power of the Access Point... In the wireless menu click advanced then go to Tx power tab and start lowering the Tx power till the -35 goes at least -50...
LHGG LTE6 kit internet dropping and slower than with a cheap …
2021年3月28日 · I've bought a MikroTik LHGG LTE6 kit to boost reception for my home internet because the 4G connection where I live is quite unstable (and 4G is the only way to get internet here). However, compared with a standard router that comes with an internet subscription it …
LHG 5 awful tx signal - MikroTik
2024年2月23日 · Monday, I erected an RBLHG-5nD to feed two Ring security cameras only 190 meters away. The aim seems to be on the money, and the LHG is seeing -53 and -59 from the cameras. However, the cameras are seeing -74 and -72 from the LHG, insufficient to operate. Upon examination, the LHG seems to be stuck in (6dBm) channel mode.
Use a down tilt calculator to determine the best angle for the AP. Keep your cells small. Tune the CPE in both the horizontal and vertical planes. Carefully evaluate your use case for ceiling …
Problems setting up LHG XL 52 ac (client/bridge)... : r/mikrotik - Reddit
2023年3月27日 · Make it WinBox detect the antenna. If it doesn't, you can either (a) look in the "Neighbors" tab or (b) set your computer's ethernet port's ipv4 address to a static address such as with a subnet mask of so that it is on the same subnet as the device, and then try again.
TX-Drop Im Begging!! : r/mikrotik - Reddit
2024年2月6日 · Implement queuing on the port facing your computer. It adds some lag, but gains you those vital buffers you need to deal with those microbursts. Just don't add too much or you'll get buffer bloat issues. Do these errors go away if you …
LHG 60G - User manuals - MikroTik Documentation
2022年8月25日 · This device meets the Maximum TX power limit per ETSI regulations. The frequency and the maximum transmitted power in EU are listed below: 57-66GHz: 34.92 dBm. An Operational mode in the 60 GHz band: 58.32 GHz, 60.48 GHz, 62.64 GHz. This device is certified for outdoor use in Point to Multipoint applications.
Citraweb.com : Pengaturan Tx Power pada wireless Mikrotik
Tx Power adalah kemampuan daya pancar pada perangkat wireless. Perangkat Mikrotik memiliki Tx Power yang bervariasi, seperti 21 dbm, 29dbm hingga 31dbm. Tx Power pada perangkat tergantung dengan card wireless yang digunakan. Uniknya Tx Power pada perangkat Mikrotik bisa kita lakukan modifikasi sesuai dengan kebutuhan kita.